
Terms for subject General containing by that token | all forms | in specified order only
by that tokenподобным же образом (visitor)
by that tokenаналогично (In the same way or for the same reason. ": There was little evidence to substantiate the gossip and, by the same token, there was little to disprove it." (Google Dictionary). visitor)
by that tokenпо той же причине (In the same way or for the same reason. "There was little evidence to substantiate the gossip and, by the same token, there was little to disprove it." (Google Dictionary). visitor)
by that tokenточно так же (In the same way or for the same reason. "There was little evidence to substantiate the gossip and, by the same token, there was little to disprove it." (Google Dictionary). visitor)
by the same token that...доказательством тому служит то, что...