
Terms containing business media | all forms | in specified order only
media.business mediaделовые СМИ (ak-84)
econ.business mediaэкономические СМИ (A.Rezvov)
econ.business mediaэкономические издания (A.Rezvov)
adv.business mediaсредства рекламы, рассчитанные на специалистов
media.media businessмедиакомпания (Leonid Dzhepko)
gen.medium businessсреднее предпринимательство (small and medium businesses – малое и среднее предпринимательство Denis Lebedev)
gen.medium-sized businessсубъект среднего предпринимательства (Alexander Demidov)
gen.medium-sized businessсреднее предприятие (Small and medium enterprise or small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs, small and medium-sized businesses, SMBs and variations thereof) are companies whose personnel numbers fall below certain limits. The abbreviation "SME" is used in the European Union and by international organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO). In most economies, smaller enterprises outnumber large companies by a wide margin. SMEs are said to be responsible for driving innovation and competition in many economic sectors. WAD Alexander Demidov)