
Terms for subject Obsolete / dated containing bottles | all forms
a bottle containing 0.3 liter of vodkaсороковушка (= сороковка)
a bottle containing 0.3 liter of vodkaсорокоушка (= сороковка)
a bottle containing 0.3 liter of vodkaсороковка
a bottle containing 0.3 liter of vodkaсороковка
a square bottle containing 1.23 litersштоф
feeding bottleдетская бутылочка
half-bottle of vodkaкосушка
half-shtof bottleсткляница (= скляница)
half-shtof bottleскляница
half-shtof bottleстклянка (= склянка)
half-shtof bottleсклянка
half-shtoff bottleскляница
half-shtoff bottleсткляница (= скляница)
half-shtoff bottleстклянка (= склянка)
half-shtoff bottleсклянка
hit the bottleзави́хриться
pass the bottle of smokeпритворствовать (Супру)
shtof a square bottle containing 1.23 litersштоф
small bottle containing 0.06 liter of vodkaшкалик
wine bottle of this capacityштоф