
Terms for subject Religion containing bible | all forms | exact matches only
Adulterous BibleБиблия нечестивых
Adulterous BibleБиблия прелюбодеев
Affinity BibleБиблия родственничков (The edition of 1923, which contains a table of affinity with the error, "A man may not marry his grandmother's wife")
American Bible SocietyАмериканское библейское общество (International agency under lay control, formed in New York in 1816 as a union of 28 local Bible societies to encourage the wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures throughout the world, without note or comment, through translation, publication, distribution, and stimulation of use)
Augsburg BibleАугсбургская Библия (A complete New Testament that can be dated to 1350)
Bad BibleНеправильная Библия (A printing of 1653 with a deliberate perversion of Acts:6:6, whereby the ordination of deacons was ascribed to the disciples and not to the apostles)
Bamberg Bible36-строчная Библия
Bamberg BibleБамбергская Библия
Bear BibleМедведка (The Spanish Protestant version printed in 1569; so called because the woodcut device on the title-page is a bear)
Bedell's BibleБиблия Беделя (ирландский перевод Ветхого Завета 'More)
Bedell's Bibleпервый ирландский перевод Ветхого Завета
Bedell's BibleБиблия Биделл'з (An Irish translation of the Old Testament)
Bible Beltбиблейский пояс (An area chiefly in the southern U.S. believed to hold uncritical allegiance to the literal accuracy of the Bible)
bible christian unionбиблейский христианский союз
Bible-Christiansбиблейские христиане (An evangelical sect founded in 1815)
Bible-clerkчитальщик (A student at Oxford or Cambridge who formerly got pecunary advantages for reading the Bible at chapel, etc.)
Bible-clerkстудент Оксфордского или Кембриджского университета, в обязанности которого входило читать Библию в церкви, перед едой и пр.
Bible Communistsперфекционисты
Bible Communistsбиблейские коммунисты
Bible interpretationтолкование Библии (Nina_G)
Bible-oathсвященная клятва
Bible-oath A solemn calling upon God, with a hand put on the Bible, to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one saysклятва, принесённая на Библии
Bible of ElizabethЕлизаветинская Библия (The St. Petersburg revision of 1751)
Bible schoolбиблейская школа
bible studentизучающий Библию
bible studyразбор Библии
Bible study groupгруппа по изучению Библии (at our Bible study yesterday... вчера на разборе Библии... Alex Lilo)
Bible-thumperхристианский фундаменталист
Bible-thumperхристианский ортодокс (An overzealous proponent of Christian fundamentalism)
Bishops' BibleБиблия Паркера
Bishops' BibleЕпископская Библия (Of 1568, a revision of the Great Bible to counter the growing popularity of the Geneva Bible, organized by Archbishop Matthew Parker)
Breeches Bible"Библия коротких штанишек" (The popular name for the Geneva Bible because in it Gn:3:7 was rendered, "and they sowed figge-tree leaves together, and made themselves breeches")
Brest BibleБрестская Библия (Of 1563, a Protestant production in Polish made from the original languages)
British and Foreign Bible SocietyБританское международное библейское общество (First Bible society in the fullest sense, founded in 1804, mainly concerned with making vernacular translations of the Scriptures available to peoples of all races)
Brothers' BibleКралицевская Библия
Brothers' BibleБиблия моравской братии
Bug BibleБиблия Ковердаля
Bug Bible"Библия привидений" (Coverdale's Bible so called because Ps:91:5 is translated: "Thou shalt not nede to be afrayed for eny bugges by night")
Complutensian Polyglot BibleКомплютенская полиглотта
Complutensian Polyglot BibleКомплютенская Библия (The first of several editions of the Bible in which the text was presented in several languages in adjacent columns)
Coverdale's Bible"Библия Ковердаля" (The first printed edition of a complete English Bible translated in 1535 "out of Douche and Latyn" by Miles Coverdale)
Coverdale's Bibleпервая полная Библия на английском языке
Cranmer's BibleБиблия Кранмера (The 1540 edition of the Great Bible with a prologue by Thomas Cranmer)
Cromwell's Bible"Библия Кромвеля" (The Great Bible of 1539 with a potrait of Thomas Cromwell on the title-page)
Danzig BibleДанцигская Библия (Printed in 1632, it became the official version of all Evangelical churches in Poland)
Denial BibleБиблия отречения (Printed at Oxford in 1792, in Lk:22:34 "Philip" is substituted for "Peter", as the apostle who should deny Jesus)
Discharge BibleБиблия без заклинания (An edition of 1806 containing "discharge" for "charge" in lTm:5:21)
Douai BibleРеймская Библия
Douai Bibleиздание 1582 года
Douai BibleРеймско-Дуэйская Библия
Douai Bible"Дуэйская Библия" (A translation of the Valgate by English Roman Catholics)
Douai Bibleперевод Библии в Дуэйской редакции
dramatic Bible readingхудожественное чтение Библии (когда текст читается на аудиозапись с ролевым исполнением, дополнительными фразами и спецэффектами OstrichReal1979)
Ears to Ear Bibleимеющий уши слышать Библию (An edition of 1810, in which Mt:13:43 reads: "Who hath ears to ear, let him hear.")
Ears to Ear Bibleимеющий уши слышать Библию
family Bibleсемейная Библия (A large Bible having special pages for recording births, marriages, and deaths)
Ferrara BibleБиблия Феррары (The first Spanish edition of the Old Testament for the use of Spanish Jews)
Fool BibleБезумная Библия (An edition of Charles I's reign in which Ps:14:l reads: "The fool hath said in his heart there is a God")
Forgotten Sins BibleБиблия забытых грехов (Of 1638, Lk:7:47 reads: "Her sins which are many, are forgotten" - instead of "forgiven")
Forty-two Line Bible42-строчная Библия Гутенберга (The first known book to be printed from movable type)
Geneva BibleЖеневская Библия (New translation of the Bible published in Geneva - New Testament, 1557; Old Testament, 1560 - by a colony of Protestant scholars in exile from England)
Goose Bible"Дортская Библия" (The editions of the Geneva Bible printed at Dort)
Great BibleБольшая Библия (Published in 1539 as an authorized Bible, being a revision by Coverdale substantially based on Matthew's Bible)
Gutenberg BibleБиблия Гутенберга (Mazarin Bible, the first known book to be printed from movable type in 1455)
he BibleМужская Библия (In the first of the two editions of the Authorized Version in 1611 Ru:3:15, reads: "and he went into the city". The other, and nearly all modern editions have "she". "He" is the correct translation)
Hebrew Bibleтанах (Vitacha)
Holy BibleСвященное писание (Stacey90)
Holy BibleБиблия (Stacey90)
Idle BibleБиблия бездействующего пастуха (An edition of 1809, in which "the idol shepherd", Zec:ll:17, is printed "the idle shepherd")
in bible daysв библейские времена
in bible timesв библейские времена
Incunabula BibleБиблия-инкунабула (The date on the title-page reads 1495 instead of 1594)
Indian BibleИндейская Библия (The first complete Bible printed in America, translated into the dialect of the Indians of Massachusetts)
interlinear BibleБиблия с подстрочником на латинском языке
interlineary BibleБиблия с подстрочником на латинском языке
International Bible Students AssociationМеждународная ассоциация изучения Библии (Forerunner of the Jehovah's Witnesses)
jerusalem bibleиерусалимская библия
Judas BibleБиблия Иуды (The Bible of 1611; Mt:26:36 reads "Judas" instead of "Jesus")
King James BibleБиблия короля Иакова
Kralitz BibleКралицевская Библия
Kralitz BibleБиблия моравской братии
Large Family BibleБиблия многодетной семьи (An Oxford edition of 1820 prints ls:66:9: "Shall I bring to the birth and not cease to bring forth?" instead of "not cause to bring forth?")
Large Family Bibleоксфордское издание 1820-го года
Leda BibleБиблия Леды (The third edition of the Bishops' Bible, published in 1572, so called from the decoration to the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews)
Leopolita Bible"Леополисская Библия" (A Polish translation of the Vulgate by John of Lemburg published at Cracow in 1561)
Leopolita BibleСтарокраковская Библия
Lions Bible A Bible issued in 1804 containing many printers' errors, including 1Kgs:8:19: "but thy son that shall come forth out of thy lions" for "... out of thy loins"Библия сына, изо львов исшедшего
living bibleживая библия
Matthew Parker's BibleЕпископская Библия
Matthew Parker's BibleБиблия Паркера
Matthew's Bible Printed in Antwerp in 1537 as the translation of Thomas Matthew, it is essentially made up from the work of Tyndale and CoverdaleБиблия в переводе Т. Маттью
Mazarin BibleМазаринская Библия
Mazarin BibleБиблия Мазарини (The first known book to be printed from movable type, probably by Fust and Schoffer; it owes its name to the copy discovered in Mazarin Library in Paris in 1760)
Mentel BibleБиблия Ментеля (The first printed Bible that appeared at Strassburg no later than 1466 and ran through 18 editions before 1522)
More Sea BibleБиблия, где моря больше (An edition of 1641 in which Rv:21:l reads: "and there was more sea", instead of "no more sea")
Murderers' Bible An edition of 1801 in which Jude 16 reads: "These are murderers, complainers, etc." instead of "These are murmurers, complainers...""Библия убийц"
New English BibleБиблия в переводе на современный английский язык (A translation into contemporary English; the complete Bible was published in 1970)
Old Cracow BibleСтарокраковская Библия
Old Cracow BibleЛеополисская Библия
Ostrog BibleОстрожская Библия (The first complete Slavonic edition, printed at Ostrog, Russia, in 1581)
Pfister's BibleБамбергская Библия
Pfister's Bible36-строчная Библия
Placemakers' BibleБиблия вигов
Placemakers' BibleБиблия чиновников
Placemakers' Bible The second edition of the Geneva bible, 1562. Mt:5:9 reads: "Blessed are the placemakers ..." instead of "Blessed are the peacemakers" ...Чиновничья Библия
polyglot Bibleмногоязычное издание Библии
polyglot BibleБиблия-полиглотта (Any of several editions of the Bible in which the text consists of translations in various languages arranged in parallel columns)
Printer's Bible An edition of about 1702 in which Ps:119 reads: "printers have persecuted me without a cause" instead of "princes ..."Библия печатников
Proof Bibleисправленное издание первого варианта Лютеровской Библии на немецком языке
relentless study of the Bibleштудирование Библии (sophistt)
-remain BibleБиблия с оставленной запятой
Rheims and Douai BibleРеймско-Дуэйская Библия
Rhemish Bibleиздание 1582 года
Rhemish BibleРеймская Библия
Rosin Bible"Канифольная Библия" (The Douai Bible of 1609, in which Jer:8:22 reads: "Is there noe rosin in Galaad?" The Authorized Version translates the word by "balm")
Sacy's Bible"Библия Сэси" (A French translation by Louis Isaac le Maistre de Sacy, which he started in the Bastille)
Sarospatak BibleБиблия королевы Софии (Of 1455, made from the Czech version for Queen Sofia)
Schelhorn's BibleБиблия Шелгорна
Schelhorn's Bible36-строчная Библия
September BibleЛютерова Библия
September BibleСентябрьская Библия (Luther's German translation of the New Testament, published anonymously at Wittenberg in September 1522)
she BibleЖенская Библия (In the first of the two editions of the Authorized Version in 1611 Ru:3:15, reads: "and he went into the city". The other, and nearly all modern editions have "she". "He" is the correct translation)
Sin on' BibleБиблия Греши больше
Sin on' Bibleгрех поощряющая"
Sin on' Bible'Библия (The first printed in Ireland dated 1716, in which Jn:5:14 reads: "sin on more", instead of "sin no more")
Standing Fishes Bible An edition of 1806 in which Ez:47:10 reads: "And it shall come to pass that the fishes shall stand upon it", instead of "... the fishers shall stand upon it"Библия стоящих рыб
Sting BibleБиблия с жалом (An edition of 1746 in which Mk:7:35 reads: "the sting of his tong", instead of "string")
swear on the Bibleклясться
Taverner's BibleТавернеровская Библия (A revision of Matthew's Bible by Richard Taverner printed in 1539)
the Wicked BibleБиблия нечестивых
the Wicked BibleБиблия прелюбодеев
Thirty-Six-Line BibleБиблия Шелгорна
Thirty-six-Line BibleБамбергская Библия
Thirty-six-Line Bible36-строчная Библия
Treacle Bible"Библия с патокой" (A popular name for the Bishops's Bible, 1568, because Jer:8:22 reads: "is there no tryacle in Gilead, is there no phisition there?" "Tryacle" is also given for "balm" in Jer:46:ll, and Ez:27:17)
Tyndale's BibleБиблия в переводе Уильяма Тиндейла (It consists of the New Testament printed in 1525; the Pentateuch, 1530; the Book of Jonah, 1531; Epistles of the Old Testament, 1534; and a MS. translation of the Old Testament to the end of Chronicles)
Unrighteous Bible"Библия неправедных" (A Cambridge printing of 1653, in which lCor:6:9 reads: "know ye not that the unrighteous shall inherit the Kingdom of God", instead of "shall no inherit". Also in Rom:6:13, "Neither yield ye your members as instruments of righteousness unto sin", in place of "unrighteousness")
Vinegar BibleУксусная Библия (An Oxford printing of 1717 in which part of the chapter heading to Lk:20 reads: "The parable of the Vinegar", instead of "Vineyard")
Wenzel Bible"Венцелева Библия" (An Old Testament made between 1389 and 1400, said to have been ordered by King Wenceslas)
Whig BibleЧиновничья Библия
Whig BibleБиблия вигов
Wicked BibleБиблия нечестивых (So called be.cause the word "not" was omitted in the seventh commandment, Ex:20:14)
Wife-hater Bible An edition of 1810 in which Lk:14:26 reads: "If any man come to me, and hate not his father and mother... yes, and his own wife also", instead of "life"Библия женоненавистника
Winchester BibleВинчестерская Библия (это романская иллюминированная рукопись, изготовленная в Винчестере между 1150 и 1175 годами для Винчестерского собора JuliaBezayazikova)
Wuyck's BibleБиблия в переводе Иакова Вуйка (An authorized Polish translation by the Jesuit, J. Wuyck, printed in Cracow in 1599)
wycliff's bibleБиблия Уиклифа
Wyclif's BibleБиблия в переводе Джона Уиклифа
Wyclif's BibleБиблия Виклифа (The name given to two translations of the Vulgate. The earlier one completed с 1384 is the first complete English Bible. The second and improved version, probably written between 1395 and 1397, is considered owe much to John Purvey)
Zurich BibleЦюрихская Библия (A german version of 1530 composed of Luther's translation of the New Testament and portions of the Old, with the remainder and the Apocrypha by other translators)