
Terms for subject Contextual meaning containing be "Good | all forms
be back in good timeуспеть (for something: I hope to be back in good time for the next spring meeting of the Shropshire volunteers. 4uzhoj)
be so good as to love smb and take smb into favourпрошу любить и жаловать ("Ивана Кузмича дома нет, – сказала она, – он пошел в гости к отцу Герасиму; да все равно, батюшка, я его хозяйка. Прошу любить и жаловать." (А.С. Пушкин "Капитанская дочка") – "Iván Kouzmitch is not at home," said she. "He is gone to see Father Garassim. But it's all the same; I am his wife. Be so good as to love us and take us into favour." (Перевод M. P. E. Milne-Home) weblitera.com Tamerlane)