
Terms containing base off of | all forms | in specified order only
gen.base off ofбыть прообразом (someone Taras)
amer.base off ofпроисходить из ('Our argument is that we should never affirm white life, because white life is based off of black subjugation' andreon)
amer.base off ofиметь в своей основе ('Our argument is that we should never affirm white life, because white life is based off of black subjugation' andreon)
amer.base off ofпроистекать ('Our argument is that we should never affirm white life, because white life is based off of black subjugation' andreon)
gen.base off ofслужить прообразом (someone: ... and I had to make it realistic, so I based it off of you. The woman of his dreams, she was the same as mine. Taras)
construct.Cut off the edge of a flexible paper base laminate with a knife and a ruleКромку линкруста обрезайте по линейке с помощью ножа
construct.Cut off the overlaps of the cloth-base wallpaper cutting through the two sheets simultaneouslyОбои на тканевой основе прирезайте через два слоя