
Terms for subject Criminal law containing as as | all forms | in specified order only
act as a groupсовершать деяние группой лиц (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
as part of the investigationв ходе следствия (The body was found in a heavily grassed area at about 11:30 a.m. on Monday, near a house police were examining as part of the investigation. cbc.ca Alex_Odeychuk)
be regarded as representing a criminal danger to societyрассматриваться как представляющее преступную общественную опасность (BBC News Alex_Odeychuk)
count asквалифицироваться как (CNN, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
failure to register as an agent of a foreign principalотсутствие регистрации в качестве иностранного агента (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
impose life imprisonment as the minimum punishmentустановить пожизненное заключение в качестве низшего предела наказания (for anyone convicted of ... – для лиц, признанных виновными в ... в тексте речь шла о стране, применяющей смертную казнь в качестве высшей меры наказания Alex_Odeychuk)
in the matter of a stolen vehicleпо делу об угоне чего-л. (In the court report, Siegel is listed as the defense counsel at the bench trial of a pair of young hoods charged in the matter of a stolen SUV. ART Vancouver)
rape is happening to girls as young as eight and to women of 72насилуют девочек в возрасте от восьми лет и женщин в возрасте до 72 лет (Rape is happening to girls as young as eight and to women of 72. It is so widespread, I go on seeing it everywhere, thousands. This rape is in public, in front of everyone. I wonder if the people doing this are humans. I don't know who is training these people. Alex_Odeychuk)