
Terms for subject Proverb containing a. i | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
give me a firm spot on which to stand, and I will move the earthдайте мне точку опоры, и я переверну землю (Archimedes; Архимед)
he was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like againон человек в полном смысле слова, мне не найти другого такого
I am a poor hand of adviceя не мастер давать советы (Johnny Bravo)
I believe the science is simple, being myself a simple manя верю, что наука проста, ибо она доступна даже простому смертному
I can not afford to keep a conscienceя не настолько богат, чтобы содержать свою совесть
I can't find a common language with youты ему про Фому, а он про Ерёму (used (often: ironically or angrily) to point to someone's strange behavior which is an attempt not to speak on a certain (raised) topic and speak about something quite different instead)
I can't find a common language with youя ему про Фому, а он про Ерёму (used (often: ironically or angrily) to point to someone's strange behavior which is an attempt not to speak on a certain (raised) topic and speak about something quite different instead)
I can't find a common language with youей про Фому, а она про Ерёму (used (often: ironically or angrily) to point to someone's strange behavior which is an attempt not to speak on a certain (raised) topic and speak about something quite different instead)
I can't find a common tongue with youя ему про Фому, а он про Ерёму
I can't find a common tongue with youей про Фому, а она про Ерёму
I can't find a common tongue with youты ему про Фому, а он про Ерёму
I can't find a common tongue with youдед про юшку, баба про петрушку (alexandra11)
I follow the worse a other folks' troubles are easily borneчужую беду руками разведу (а к своей ума не приложу; but)
I had a dream that was not all a dreamмне снился сон, но это был не совсем сон
I have a good bow, but it is in the castleдорого яичко к Христову дню (that is most appreciated that is given or offered when needed and not too late)
I have a good bow, but it is in the castleдорого яичко к Великому дню (that is most appreciated that is given or offered when needed and not too late)
I have a good bow, but it is in the castleдорого яичко к Светлому дню (that is most appreciated that is given or offered when needed and not too late)
I know a hawk from a handsawвидно сокола по полёту
I rather would a husband wed with a beetle brow than a beetle headлучше муж некрасивый, чем муж глупый
I will not change a cottage in possession for a kingdom in reversionне сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки
I would want to live and die in Paris if there had not been such a place as Moscowя хотел бы жить и умереть в Париже, если б не было такой земли-Москва (Владимир Маяковский Olga Okuneva)
I'd like to serve, but not to be a servantслужить бы рад, прислуживаться тошно (Грибоедов. Горе от ума Olga Okuneva)
it is a proud horse that will not bear his own provender a I've got an eye for such thingsсвой глаз-алмаз а чужой-стекло
it is a proud horse that will not bear his own provender a I've got an eye for such thingsсвой глаз-алмаз
must I tell you a tale and find you ears too?глухому попы две обедни не служат (contrast: a good tale is none the worse for being twice told. Used as a reply to someone's request to say it again, to repeat it, and means: I do not want to say it twice)
must I tell you a tale and find you ears too?глухому поп двух обеден не служит (contrast: a good tale is none the worse for being twice told. Used as a reply to someone's request to say it again, to repeat it, and means: I do not want to say it twice)
must I tell you a tale and find you ears too?глухому попы двух обеден не служат (contrast: a good tale is none the worse for being twice told. Used as a reply to someone's request to say it again, to repeat it, and means: I do not want to say it twice)
must I tell you a tale and find you ears too?глухому поп две обедни не служит (contrast: a good tale is none the worse for being twice told. Used as a reply to someone's request to say it again, to repeat it, and means: I do not want to say it twice)
must I tell you a tale and find you ears too?слушай ухом, а не брюхом (used as a vulgar and rude piece of advice that someone should listen better)
pray for yourself, I am not sick contrast: we are not born for ourselves a every man's shirt is nearest to his own skinсвоя рубаха ближе к телу
pray for yourself, I am not sick contrast: we are not born for ourselves a every man's shirt is nearest to his own skinсвоя рубашка ближе к телу
say not the mermaid is a myth, I knew one named Mrs Smith, she stood while playing cards or knitting, mermaids are not equipped for sittingкто говорит: русалок не бывало? а миссис Смит? Та, что всегда стояла, она бы с удовольствием присела, да не имела важной части тела
show me a swamp anywhere and I'll show you the devil thereбыло бы болото, а черти найдутся (bad people show themselves there where there is a chance to do something bad)
stop stitch while I put a needle inпоспешишь – людей насмешишь
when I lent I had a friend, when I asked he was unkind"я богат и, друг мой, рад". – "где должок?" а он – молчок