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Terms for subject Oil and gas containing Wall Of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
formation of a crack or a hole in the pipeline wall much smaller in size than the pipeline cross-sectionобразование трещины (MichaelBurov)
formation of a crack or a hole in the pipeline wall much smaller in size than the pipeline cross-sectionпрокол (MichaelBurov)
formation of a crack or a hole in the pipeline wall much smaller in size than the pipeline cross-sectionобразование отверстия в стенке трубопровода суммарным сечением на порядок меньше сечения трубопровода (MichaelBurov)
outside face of wallнаружная сторона стены
too narrow space between the casing string and wall of opened well boreслишком узкое пространство между обсадной колонной и стенкой открытого ствола (Konstantin 1966)
wall of the wellстенки скважины