
Terms for subject Religion containing Ts | all forms | exact matches only
Bolon Ts'akabБолон Цакаб (майянский бог молнии, защитник урожая и семян collegia)
Lan Ts'ai-hoЛань Цай-хэ (One of the Eight Immortals of Taoism)
T'ai ChiТай-ци ("Great Ultimate", in Chinese philosophy, the eternal source and cause of all reality)
Ta-ts'ang ChingТацан чин ("Great Storehouse Scripture", the total body of Buddhist literature deemed canonical in China and Japan and comprising works of the most varied character numbering more than 2,000 in the standard Chinese edition and more than 3,000 in the latest Japanese edition)
Ta-ts'ang ChingДайзокё
Ti-ts'angТай-тзянь (In Chinese Buddhism, bodhisattva who is especially committed to delivering the dead from the torments of hell)
Ts'ai ShenЦай-Шэнь (The popular Chinese god of wealth)
Ts'ao Kuo-chiuЦао Го-цзю (One of the Eight Immortals of Taoism. In art he is sometimes depicted in official robes and hat and carrying a tablet indicative of his rank and of his right to palace audiences)