
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Transformation | all forms | exact matches only
affine matrix transformationаффинное преобразование с матричным представлением (A transformation consisting of any combination of linear transformations (rotation, scaling, or skew) followed by a translation)
affine matrix transformationпреобразование аффинной матрицы
Data Flow Transformationsпреобразования потока данных (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
extraction, transformation, and loadingизвлечение, преобразование и загрузка (The act of extracting data from various sources, transforming data to consistent types, and loading the transformed data for use by applications)
Map Claim Transformationsсопоставление преобразований утверждений (Windows 7 Rori)
Query after all transformationsзапрос после всех преобразований (SharePoint Search 2013 Rori)
System generated heading row used for processing transformations.Созданная системой строка заголовка, используемая для обработки преобразований. (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
transformation inputвход преобразования (Data that is contained in a column, which is used duing a join or lookup process, to modify or aggregate data in the table to which it is joined)
transformation outputвыход преобразования (Data that is returned as a result of a transformation procedure)
world transformationпреобразование мировых координат (The transformation that converts world coordinates to page coordinates)