
Terms for subject Mathematics containing The Rocket | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
after being heated in the reactor, the gas would be exhausted through a rocket nozzle to obtain thrustпосле нагревания
entry of the rocket into the lower atmosphereвход (во что-либо)
entry of the rocket into the lower atmosphereвход в
great emphasis is placed on the development of high energy rocket propellantsпридавать особое значение
in recent years the development of solid-propellant rocket motors intensified the need for solutions of various problems ofнеобходимость в решении различных проблем
it is not essential that the stages in a step rocket be of increasing sizeбыло бы
the escape of a rocket out into spaceвыход ракеты в космическое пространство
the final rocket stagesпоследние ступени ракет
the possibility of a successful reentry of the rocket was demonstratedвозвращение
the rocket is by no means a modern developmentотнюдь не