
Terms for subject Rude containing T | all forms | exact matches only
bitch, I don't need snowдело не в снеге (Alex_Odeychuk)
can't tell ass from elbowбыть глупым как пробка (VLZ_58)
can't tell pee from pooбыть тупым (george serebryakov)
can't tell pee from pooбыть полным идиотом (VLZ_58)
can't tell pee from pooбыть глупым как пробка (VLZ_58)
a person who couldn't find his ass with both hands and radarрукожоп (Finoderi)
a person who couldn't organise a fart in a baked bean factoryрукожоп (SirReal)
couldn't organise a fart in a baked bean factoryруки из жопы (SirReal)
a person who couldn't organize a circle-jerk in a steam roomрукожоп (Finoderi)
a person who couldn't organize a fart in a curry eating contestрукожоп (Finoderi)
a person who couldn't organize a fuck in a whore houseрукожоп (Finoderi)
a person who couldn't organize a hunger strike at a fashion showрукожоп (Finoderi)
a person who couldn't organize a piss up in a breweryрукожоп (Finoderi)
a person who couldn't organize a shower in a rainstormрукожоп (Finoderi)
a person who couldn't organize a two car paradeрукожоп (Finoderi)
a person who couldn't organize an orgy in a whore houseрукожоп (Finoderi)
couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the groundжопа новый год (igisheva)
couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the groundжопа с глазами (igisheva)
couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the groundжопа с ручкой (igisheva)
couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the groundжопа говорящая (igisheva)
couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the groundпутает червей с бубями (igisheva)
couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the groundпутает жопу с пальцем (igisheva)
couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the groundчервей от бубей не отличает (igisheva)
doesn't give a damnплевать кто-л. хотел (He doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. – Плевал он на всех остальных / на всех, кроме себя.  ART Vancouver)
don't bother me with that crap!не засирай мне мозги!
don't fretне бзди
don't fuck with me!не шути со мной!
don't fuck with me!не испытывай моего терпения!
don't fuck with meне задавай глупых вопросов (fishborn)
don't hush me up!не затыкайте мне рот!
don't talk crap!Прекрати пороть чушь!
don't talk crap!Перестань нести чушь!
don't talk crap!не говори ерунды!
don't talk crap!Перестань нести ахинею!
don't talk crap!не мели чепухи!
don't talk crap!не говори глупостей!
don't talk crap!Прекрати чушь пороть!
don't talk crap!Брось чепуху молоть!
he can't shoot for shitон не может стрелять за дерьмо (kindertank)
he can't shoot for shitстрелок он никудышный (SergeyLetyagin)
he doesn't know shit about what's going onон ни фига не представляет, что здесь творится (Andrey Truhachev)
he doesn't know shit about what's going onон ни хрена не знает о том, что здесь происходит (творится Andrey Truhachev)
I ain't telling you shitни хрена я тебе не скажу (Technical)
I can't be arsedне приставай ко мне (Beforeyouaccuseme)
I can't be arsedне лезь ко мне (грубо Beforeyouaccuseme)
I don't care shitмне насрать (Technical)
I don't give a fuckмне без разницы (nofour138)
I don't give a fuckмне по барабану (nofour138)
I don't give a rat's assмне насрать (andreon)
I don't give a toss!до лампочки (Saffron)
I don't know shitни хрена я не знаю (Technical)
I don't want shitни хрена я не хочу (Technical)
I wouldn't screw her with someone else's dickона не в моём вкусе (Алексей Федоров)
kiss me where the sun don't shine!иди в жопу! (Taras)
shove it where the sun don't shineзасунь себе в задницу (=up your ass: For all I care you can shove it where the sun don't shine. 4uzhoj)
stick it where the sun doesn't shine.в гробу я виде (You can take your unsolicited advice and stick it where the sun don't shine. 4uzhoj)
stick it where the sun doesn't shineзасунь себе куда подальше (напр., своё мнение VLZ_58)
stick it where the sun don't shine.в гробу я видел (4uzhoj)
stick it where the sun don't shineв гробу я видел (4uzhoj)
stick it where the sun don't shineзасунь себе в задницу (=up your ass: You can take your unsolicited advice and stick it where the sun don't shine. valtih1978)
you don't understand fuck-allни хрена ты не понимаешь (Andrey Truhachev)
you don't understand fuck-allни хера ты не понимаешь (Andrey Truhachev)
you don't understand fuck-allни черта ты не понимаешь (Andrey Truhachev)
you don't want it like that?и так вы не хотите? (с ударением на ТАК, на THAT MichaelBurov)
you wouldn't shit meне гони (Technical)