
Terms for subject Grammar containing | all forms | exact matches only
according to purposeпо цели высказывания (shpak_07)
action that began in the time frame prior to the main narrative time frame and that is still underway as another action beginsдействие, которое началось до временного периода, на который указывает основное временя повествования, и продолжается в течение данного периода времени параллельно с началом совершения другого действия (Alex_Odeychuk)
action that began in the time frame prior to the main narrative time frame and that was still underway as another action beganдействие, которое началось до наступления основного времени повествования и продолжалось на момент начала другого действия (Alex_Odeychuk)
attached to a link verbприсвязочный
correspond in function toсоответствовать функции (чего-либо Alex_Odeychuk)
get sb. toзаставить (+ infinitive: I have a Dogwood tree in the yard & something has been feeding on the berries. I put a battery powered Ring camera down to see what it is. When I saw the raccoons 🦝 I started sending odd sounds to the camera to get them to look up. Ring cam is a fun toy for wildlife. -- чтобы заставить их посмотреть наверх / поднять голову)
hold up to the laws of English grammarсоответствовать законам грамматики английского языка (Alex_Odeychuk)
I had the opportunity toу меня была возможность (+ infinitive: I was over in the U.K. at the time and had the opportunity to see the castle – and to get a few photos, too.)
is nowhere to be foundнигде нет (He is nowhere to be found. – Его нигде нет. ART Vancouver)
it is not reasonable to expectнеразумно ожидать, что (It is not reasonable to expect a person to tolerate being treated in that particular way. — Неразумно ожидать, что человек будет терпеть такое обращение. britannica.com Alex_Odeychuk)
it's better to useлучше употребить (To avoid confusion, it's better to use a different verb to convey the intended meaning.)
must be required toдолжен (Everyone who enters the contest must be required to follow the same rules. — Все участники конкурса должны следовать одним и тем же правилам. britannica.com Alex_Odeychuk)
not supposed toнельзя (+ infinitive: That spot is reserved for deliveries. It's not supposed to be parked there! – там нельзя ставить машину ART Vancouver)
should be expected toследует ожидать (Alex_Odeychuk)
should be required toдолжен (Anyone who coaches players or coaches a team should be required to know how to give CPR. — Каждый, кто тренирует игроков или тренирует команду, должен знать, как делать искусственное дыхание. Alex_Odeychuk)
should find it necessary toдолжен счесть необходимым (Alex_Odeychuk)
should have toдолжен (All contestants should have to follow the same rules. — Все участники конкурса должны следовать одним и тем же правилам. Coaches should have to know how to give CPR. — Тренеры должны знать, как делать искусственное дыхание. I don't think I should have to explain my motives to you. — Я не думаю, что должен объяснять вам свои мотивы. No one should have to tolerate that kind of treatment. — Никто не должен терпеть такое обращение. britannica.com Alex_Odeychuk)
should have toпридётся (If passengers should have to evacuate, lights leading to the emergency doors will be illuminated. — Если пассажирам придется эвакуироваться, будут зажжены огни, ведущие к аварийным дверям. britannica.com Alex_Odeychuk)
the predicative comparative of most adjectives is formed by adding the ending "-ее" to the stem of the adjectiveПредикативная сравнительная степень большинства прилагательных образуется путём прибавления к основе прилагательного окончания "-ee"
the two words are close to being synonymsоба слова являются почти полными синонимами (Alex_Odeychuk)
there was nothing to be seenничего не было видно (I looked out of the window, but it was dark and there was nothing to be seen. ART Vancouver)
to start withвначале (I reached in my pocket and held out her bottle of sleeping pills. "I was a little scared last night," I said. "I counted these but I didn't know how many had been there to start with. You said you took two." (Raymond Chandler) – сколько их было вначале ART Vancouver)
used toбывало (particle)
was nowhere to be foundнигде не было (He was nowhere to be found. – Его нигде не было. ART Vancouver)
were we toесли бы мы (Were we to give up the fight now, it would mean the end of democracy in this country. Alex_Odeychuk)
when it's clear from context what is being referred toкогда из контекста понятно о чём идёт речь (Alex_Odeychuk)
would have been able toмогли бы (Alex_Odeychuk)
would have been able toмогло бы (Alex_Odeychuk)
would have been able toмогла бы (Alex_Odeychuk)
would have been able toмог бы (Alex_Odeychuk)
wouldn't have been able toне могло бы (+ inf. Alex_Odeychuk)
wouldn't have been able toне могли бы (+ inf. Alex_Odeychuk)
wouldn't have been able toне могла бы (+ inf. Alex_Odeychuk)
wouldn't have been able toне мог бы (+ inf. Alex_Odeychuk)