
Terms for subject Common law Anglo-Saxon legal system containing | all forms | exact matches only
be binding upon and inure to the benefit ofсоздавать действительные правовые последствия также и для (правопреемников и цессионариев сторон; вариант почерпнут из "Скорой помощи" уважаемого V. 4uzhoj)
be binding upon and inure to the benefit ofиметь обязательную силу также и для (правопреемников и цессионариев сторон; вариант почерпнут из "Скорой помощи" уважаемого V. 4uzhoj)
conclusion to indictобвинительное заключение
go on to the statute bookвступить в силу (говоря о законе // Guardian, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
shall not be concerned toот кого-либо не требуется (Saying that A shall not be concerned to see X serves to have A acknowledge that it won’t have any basis for asserting X. A sensible alternative would be using will not be required to.: The Guarantee Beneficiaries shall not be concerned to see or enquire into the powers of the Borrower, any other Material Subsidiary or any of their directors, officers or agents acting or purporting to act on their behalf … adamsdrafting.com 'More)
shall not be concerned toне обязан (Saying that A shall not be concerned to see X serves to have A acknowledge that it won’t have any basis for asserting X. A sensible alternative would be using will not be required to.: The Guarantee Beneficiaries shall not be concerned to see or enquire into the powers of the Borrower, any other Material Subsidiary or any of their directors, officers or agents acting or purporting to act on their behalf … adamsdrafting.com 'More)
title passes toправо собственности переходит к (Ying)