
Terms for subject Informal containing Surface | all forms | exact matches only
be a little burnt on the surfaceпообгореть
be burnt on the surfaceспечься
begin to scrape along a surfaceзачиркать
come to the surfaceподыматься (= подниматься)
come to the surfaceпрошибить
come to the surfaceпрошибить (pf of прошибать)
come to the surfaceпрошибать (impf of прошибить)
come to the surfaceпрошибать
cream forming on the surface of a liquidустой
film on surface of liquidустой
get a little burnt on the surfaceпообгореть
on the surfaceповерху
rot on the surfaceобгнивать
rot on the surfaceобгнить (pf of обгнивать)
rot on the surfaceобгнивать (impf of обгнить)
rot on the surfaceобгнить
skim lightly over the surfaceскользить по верхам
skin on surface of liquidустой
skip pebbles across the surface of the waterпускать "блинчики" по воде (He taught her how to skip pebbles across the surface of the water. Soulbringer)
skip pebbles on the water surfaceпускать "блинчики" по воде (He taught her how to skip pebbles across the surface of the water. Soulbringer)
one's temper is close to the surfaceбыть на взводе (VLZ_58)
one's temper is close to the surfaceбыть готовым взорваться (VLZ_58)
thickened layer on surface of liquidустой