
Terms for subject Religion containing Shinto | all forms | exact matches only
Fukko Shintoреформистский синтоизм (School of Japanese religion prominent in the 18th century that attempted to uncover the pure meaning of ancient Shinto thought through philological study of the Japanese classics)
Ise Shintoсинтоистская школа ватарай
Ise Shintoсинтоистская школа Исе (School of Shinto founded by priests of the Watarai family; it establishes purity and honesty as the highest virtues, realizable through religious experience)
Kyoha Shintoсинтоистские секты
Kyoha Shintoсовокупность синтоистских сект
Kyoha Shinto Group of folk religious sects in Japan that were separated by a government decree in 1882 from the suprareligious national cult, State Shintoкёгасинто
Reform Shintoреформистский синтоизм
Restoration Shintoреформистский синтоизм
Ryobu Shintoсингон-синто
Ryobu Shintoрёбу-синто ("Dual Aspect Shinto", in Japanese religion, the syncretic school that combined Shinto with the teachings of the Shingon sect of Buddhism)
Sanno Ichijitsu Shintoсанно итидзицу синто (In Japanese religion, the syncretic school that combined Shinto with the teachings of the Tendai sect of Buddhism)
Sect Shintoкёгасинто
Sect Shintoсинтоистские секты
Shingon Shintoсингон-синто
Shinto religionсинтоизм
Shinto Taikyoсинтоистская секта синто-тайкё ("Great Teaching of Shinto", one of the sects representing Revival Shinto)
Shinto Taisei-haсекта синто-тайсейга ("Great Accomplishment School of Shinto", one of the Shinto Confucian sects)
Shrine Shintoяпонский храмовый синтоизм (Form of the Shinto religion of Japan that focusses on worship in public shrines)
State Shintoгосударственный синтоизм (Nationalistic official religion of Japan from 1868 through World War II)
Watarai Shintoсинтоистская школа ватарай