
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Role | all forms
crucial roleкритическое значение (play a crucial role in sth. – иметь критическое значение для чего-л. ART Vancouver)
play a critical roleиграть решающую роль (Our loyal customers tell us that our products have a critical role to play in their work. – играют решающую роль ART Vancouver)
play a key roleиметь ключевое значение (Zoning is used by elected municipal governments to manage land use and determine what can be built on a particular property and what that building looks like. Zoning plays a key role in the value of land. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
play a key roleиграть ключевую роль (Zoning is used by elected municipal governments to manage land use and determine what can be built on a particular property and what that building looks like. Zoning plays a key role in the value of land. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
play a major roleиграть важную роль (As hoped for, the researchers did find unique brain activity in the supramarginal gyrus when the volunteers were internalizing their speech compared to vocalizing it, supporting the idea that it plays a major role in the process. gizmodo.com ART Vancouver)
play a pivotal roleиграть важнейшую роль (Saint Jerome, in 384, exhorting the young Eustochium, said: "Read often, learn all you can. Let sleep envelop you, the scroll still in hand; when your head falls may it do so on a sacred page." Also, books and reading have always played a pivotal role in Christianity, which has earned it the term “religion of the book” through the success of its strategy of using books and textual propaganda medievalists.net ART Vancouver)
play a vital roleиметь огромное значение (Happy #CdnAgDay to all the hardworking and dedicated farmers and all involved in the movement of agricultural products at the Port of Vancouver. Today, we celebrate the incredible journey of agriculture products from farms across the country to tables around the world. We couldn't be prouder of the vital role farmers and port terminals play in providing grain, specialty crops, and feed to local and international markets. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
play a vital roleиграть первостепенную роль (Happy #CdnAgDay to all the hardworking and dedicated farmers and all involved in the movement of agricultural products at the Port of Vancouver. Today, we celebrate the incredible journey of agriculture products from farms across the country to tables around the world. We couldn't be prouder of the vital role farmers and port terminals play in providing grain, specialty crops, and feed to local and international markets. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
play a vital roleиграть огромную роль (Happy #CdnAgDay to all the hardworking and dedicated farmers and all involved in the movement of agricultural products at the Port of Vancouver. Today, we celebrate the incredible journey of agriculture products from farms across the country to tables around the world. We couldn't be prouder of the vital role farmers and port terminals play in providing grain, specialty crops, and feed to local and international markets. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
play a vital roleсыграть важную роль (в – in; также "play a vital part": "The erosion of any islands here would have released boulders that are likely to have contributed to the accumulation of the distinctive stone structures known locally as sarns." Dr Wood believes these sarns have played a vital part in perpetuating the story. bbc.com ART Vancouver)