
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Reports | all forms | exact matches only
A number sequence code is required for both Expense reports and Cash advance requestsдля отчётов по расходам и запросов денежных авансов требуется уникальный код последовательности номеров. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
activity reportотчёт об активности (A report that an administrator, parent, or guardian can view showing children's or family members' online activity)
Actual vs. Budget ReportОтчёт "Факт / Бюджет" (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
ad hoc reportad-hoc-отчёт (A type of report that requires users to select the data that they want to display on the report and to design the layout of the report)
administrative reportотчёт администратора
Administrator Recovery reportотчёт о сделанных администратором восстановлениях
Annual Report Preparationподготовка годового отчёта
Annual Report Preparationподготовка годового отчёта (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting view, the general activities that define a typical effort to prepare an Annual Financial Report. Includes activities focused on obtaining the necessary information from multiple departments, to working with other departments (e.g., Legal and Public Relations) to ensure all required information is presented accurately, and up through the printing and distribution process)
app reportотчёт о приложении (Windows 8 ssn)
Audit trail reportотчёт по аудиторскому следу (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Bank account balance reportОтчёт о сальдо банковского счета (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
base reportстандартный отчёт (The original, default, or out-of-the-box version of a report that has not been customized for an organization's own business needs)
Best Bet Suggestions reportотчёт с предложениями наиболее подходящих элементов (A Web analytics report that identifies terms that should become Best Bets)
Best Bet Usage reportотчёт об использовании наиболее подходящих элементов (A Web analytics report that identifies the Best Bet terms and how they are utilized by the system)
blank reportпустой отчёт (harser)
Build and Share ReportsПостроение отчётов и совместная работа с ними (Rori)
clickthrough reportотчёт с дополнительной информацией (A report that displays related report model data when you click data within a rendered Report Builder report)
code comment Web reportвеб-отчёт комментариев кода (Web pages that enable you to browse the code structure within files in your current project or solution, such as objects and interfaces defined in a project. Rori)
Compatibility Reportотчёт о совместимости (A tool that checks for issues that might prevent a document from displaying or printing properly in current and previous versions of Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac)
compliance evaluation reportотчёт по оценке соответствия (microsoft.com bojana)
compliance reportотчёт о соответствии (A report that reflects the adherence of systems to certain stated standards)
compliance reportотчёт о соответствии (A report that reflects the adherence of systems to certain stated standards. Rori)
computer build reportотчёт о сборке компьютера (A report generated by OEMs for each OA 3.0 manufactured computer which is then sent to Microsoft for processing. This report includes the hardware hash value and Product Key ID)
computer software deployment status reportотчёт о состоянии развёртывания программ на компьютере (ssn)
concurrency profiling reportотчёт о профилировании параллелизма (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
conditional reportотчёт по условию (A report that displays or suppresses portions of the data according to whether specified conditions are met)
conditional reportотчёт с условным содержимым (A report that displays or suppresses portions of the data according to whether specified conditions are met)
Configuring Report Designer FilesНастройка файлов конструктора отчётов (SQL Server 2005 SP2 Rori)
crash reportотчёт о сбое (harser)
crash reportотчёт об аварийном завершении (harser)
crosstab reportсводный отчёт (Printed information about tasks and resources over a specified time period. There are five predefined crosstab reports in Project: Cash Flow, Crosstab, Resource Usage, Task Usage, and Who Does What When)
cross-tabulation reportперекрёстный отчёт (Ding_an_sich)
custom reportнастраиваемый отчёт (rvps2001)
custom reportпользовательский отчёт (microsoft.com rvps2001)
default reportотчёт по умолчанию (A type of report that does not allow a user to modify the layout but that does allow a user to filter and sort the data in the report)
deployment reportотчёт о развёртывании (A report in XML- or HTML-format that is associated with a deployment diagram. You can use these reports to create installation and deployment scripts)
direct reportподчинённый (An employee who in the organizational hierarchy is immediately below the manager in question and who can either be a manager or an individual contributor)
Disk Utilization reportотчёт об использовании диска (A DPS report that provides statistics on disk capacity, allocation, usage, and availability)
drill through reportдетализированный отчёт (A secondary report that is displayed when a user clicks an item in a report. Detailed data is displayed in the same report. Rori)
drill-through reportдетализированный отчёт (A secondary report that is displayed when a user clicks an item in a report. Detailed data is displayed in the same report)
Duet Enterprise Report Templateшаблон отчёта Duet Enterprise (The reusable definitions of programs stored in SAP for generating Duet Enterprise Reports)
Duet Enterprise Reports Receiverполучатель отчётов Duet Enterprise (A SharePoint feature that manages publishing and authorization of Duet Enterprise Reports)
Duet Enterprise Reports Routerмаршрутизатор отчётов Duet Enterprise (A SharePoint feature that manages distribution of SAP Reports to valid Duet Enterprise Reports sites across the SharePoint farm)
Duet Enterprise Reports Routing Ruleправило маршрутизации отчётов Duet Enterprise (A SharePoint content type for the rules that govern distribution of Duet Enterprise Reports)
during the creation, the preview feature allows you to view the report process as it will appear to the end userПредварительный просмотр позволяет вам увидеть процесс создания отчёта конечным пользователем. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
Earned Value Reportотчёт об освоенном объёме (Project 2013 Rori)
event frequency reportотчёт о частоте события (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
event reportsотчёты о событиях (Windows 8 ssn)
event trace report toolпрограмма создания отчётов по отслеживанию событий (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)
exception reportотчёт с исключёнными данными (A report that shows the general ledger account balances that were not included in the financial report)
exception reportотчёт с исключёнными данными (A report that shows the general ledger account balances that were not included in the financial report. Rori)
exception reportотчёт по исключённым данным (A report that shows the general ledger account balances that were not included in the financial report)
exception reportотчёт по исключённым данным (A report that shows the general ledger account balances that were not included in the financial report. Rori)
expense reportотчёт по расходам (также "отчёт о расходах" и "авансовый отчёт" в локализованных продуктах Майкрософт Rori)
Expense Report DetailsОтчёт о расходах: подробности (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
expense report transactionпроводка отчёта о расходах (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
external user invitation reportотчёт о внешних приглашённых (A report that lists the email address, invitation date, invitation status, and invitation submitter for external users invited to a SharePoint site collection)
Failed to report eventне удалось отчитаться о событии (Windows 8 ssn)
generate reportсоздать отчёт (Rori)
Generate summary reportсоздать сводный отчёт (Windows 7 Rori)
generating reportсоздание отчёта (Andy)
Hold Reportsотчёты об удержаниях (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
incident reportотчёт об инциденте (A report that is created when a user exceeds a quota threshold or tries to save an unauthorized file)
instrumentation profiling reportотчёт о профилировании инструментирования (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
journal reportотчёт журнала (The message that is generated when a message matches a journal rule. The body of the journal report contains information from the original message such as the sender e-mail address, message subject, message-ID, and recipient e-mail addresses. The journal report also includes the original unaltered message as an attachment)
KPI details reportотчёт о ключевом индикаторе производительности (Andy)
KPI details reportотчёт о ключевом показателе эффективности (A report type that shows information about a KPI that is selected in a scorecard)
License Installation Reportотчёт об установке лицензий (A report that compares installed software on computers in an organization with that organization's current license agreement coverage. This report can be used to determine whether an organization has sufficient license agreement coverage)
License Purchase Reportотчёт о приобретении лицензий (A report that displays the software titles for all licensed software in selected license groups, based on their licensing agreements. This report can be used to find gaps in coverage for the license agreements in an organization)
manage expense report delegatesуправление представителями отчёта по расходам (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
managed memory profiling reportотчёт о профилировании управляемой памяти (Visual Studio 2012 VS Update ssn)
memory profiling reportотчёт о профилировании памяти (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
Microsoft license report summaryсводка о лицензиях Майкрософт (A report containing information about the installation history and other details of licenses installed for components installed as part of the software)
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Report Builderпостроитель отчётов для Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (A report authoring tool that features a Microsoft Office-like authoring environment and features such as new sparkline, data bar, and indicator data visualizations, the ability to save report items as report parts, a wizard for creating maps, aggregates of aggregates, and enhanced support for expressions)
Modify Reportизменение отчёта
Modify Reportизменение отчёта (A button, found on the Report toolbar, that enables the user to customize a report)
MOM reportотчёт МОМ (A predefined report that is provided with the Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 Management Pack. Reports are organized by three categories: Microsoft Operations Manager, Operational Data Reporting, Operational Health Analysis)
my ReportsМои отчёты (A personalized workspace)
my ReportsМои отчёты
non-delivery reportотчёт о недоставке (A notification that an e-mail message was not delivered to the recipient)
Number of Queries reportотчёт "Число запросов" (A Web analytics report that provides information on the number searches performed)
one-table reportоднотабличный отчёт (Andy)
Organizational Health reportотчёт о работоспособности организации (A report that provides you a quick view of your organization and its operating characteristics. This includes health and licensing information, and also a summary of the Exchange servers and recipients)
parameterized reportпараметризованный отчёт (A published report that accepts input values through parameters)
PivotChart reportотчёт сводной диаграммы (A chart that provides interactive analysis of data, like a PivotTable report. You can change views of data, see different levels of detail, or reorganize the chart layout by dragging fields and by showing or hiding items in fields)
PivotTable reportотчёт сводной таблицы (An interactive, cross tabulated Excel report that summarizes and analyzes data, such as database records, from various sources including ones external to Excel)
Popular Queries reportотчёт "Популярные запросы" (A Web analytics report that provides information on the most popular searches)
Practical Extraction and Report Languageязык Perl (An interpreted language, based on C and several UNIX utilities. Perl has powerful string-handling features for extracting information from text files. Perl can assemble a string and send it to the shell as a command; therefore, it is often used for system administration tasks. A program in Perl is known as a script. Perl was devised by Larry Wall at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Print fixed asset reports.Печать отчётов ОС. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Print ReportПечать отчёта (Andy)
Print totals by period in the Transaction list by account reportПечать итогов по периоду в отчёте "Список проводок, отсортированный по счетам" (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
query-based reportотчёт на основе запроса (A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query)
query-based reportотчёт на основе запроса (A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query. Rori)
RD Licensing Diagnoser did not identify any problems to reportСредство диагностики лицензирования удалённых рабочих столов не выявило никаких проблем (Windows 8 ssn)
rendered reportотчёт, готовый для просмотра
1099 reportотчёт по форме 1099 (A report to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on a 1099 form. A 1099 form is used to report non-employee income and is filed on a calendar year basis. The IRS produces various types of 1099 forms, including Dividend (1099-DIV), Interest (1099-INT), Miscellaneous (1099-MISC), and Retirement (1099-R))
Report a service problemсообщить о проблеме со службой (A link to enable users to notify Microsoft support in the event of an outage when one or more Office 365 services are down. Rori)
Report AbuseСообщить о нарушении (The link to the form where a user can report violations of the terms of use. Contextually, it's understood that the abuse in question is poor conduct, such as obscene language or threats)
Report Builderпостроитель отчётов (A report authoring tool that features a Microsoft Office-like authoring environment and features such as new sparkline, data bar, and indicator data visualizations, the ability to save report items as report parts, a wizard for creating maps, aggregates of aggregates, and enhanced support for expressions)
report builderпостроитель отчётов (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Report Centerцентр отчётов (A feature that leverages Excel Services and SharePoint Server to provide easy and powerful reporting capabilities)
Report Consolidatorконсолидатор отчётов (A Web Analytics component that is responsible for aggregating analytics data)
report data paneобласть данных отчёта (A data pane that displays a hierarchical view of the items that represent data in the user's report. The top level nodes represent built-in fields, parameters, images, and data source references)
Report Data Provider-based reportотчёт на основе данных, предоставляемых Report Data Provider (A report where the data source is defined in a Report Data Provider (RDP) class)
Report databaseбаза данных отчётов (The SQL Server database that stores DPM reporting information)
report databaseбаза данных отчётов (ssn)
report definitionопределение отчёта (The blueprint for a report before the report is processed or rendered. A report definition contains information about the query and layout for the report)
Report Definition FileФайл определения отчёта (Andy)
Report Definition Languageязык определения отчётов (A set of instructions that describe layout and query information for a report. RDL is composed of XML elements that conform to an XML grammar created for Reporting Services)
Report Designerконструктор отчётов (A collection of design surfaces and graphical tools that are hosted within the Microsoft Visual Studio environment)
report designerдизайнер отчётов (Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1 Rori)
report execution snapshotснимок состояния выполнения отчёта
report execution snapshotснимок состояния выполнения отчёта (A report snapshot that is cached. Report administrators create report execution snapshots if they want to run reports from static copies)
report footerколонтитул отчёта (A report section used to place information that normally appears at the bottom of the page, such as page numbers, dates, and sums)
report generatorгенератор отчётов (An application, commonly part of a database management program, that uses a report form created by the user to lay out and print the contents of a database. A report generator is used to select specific record fields or ranges of records, to make the output attractive by including such features as headings, running heads, page numbers, and fonts)
report groupгруппа отчётов (A set of report definitions that can be used to generate more than one report simultaneously)
report historyжурнал отчёта (A collection of previously run copies of a report)
report history snapshotмоментальный снимок журнала отчёта (Report history that contains data captured at a specific point in time)
report itemэлемент отчёта (Entity on a report)
report itemэлемент отчёта
report layout templateшаблон макета отчёта (A pre-designed table, matrix, or chart report template in Report Builder)
report libraryбиблиотека отчётов (A structured set of files (row worksheets, column worksheets and reporting trees) that are combined to create a financial report)
report libraryбиблиотека отчёта (A structured set of files (row worksheets, column worksheets and reporting trees) that are combined to create a financial report)
report linkссылка на отчёт
report locationsместоположения отчётов (Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
report lost cardкарта утеряна (A rich button in the Wallet feature that contains the contact phone number for the card issuer. Tapping the button calls the phone number)
Report Managerдиспетчер отчётов (A Web-based report management tool)
report modelмодель отчёта (A metadata description of business data used for creating ad hoc reports)
report modelмодель отчёта
report moduleмодуль отчёта
Report Operator user roleроль пользователя "Оператор отчётов" (In System Center Operations Manager 2007, the user role that grants members the rights to access and run reports. Because Virtual Machine Manager reports are created through Operations Manager, Virtual Machine Manager administrators must be a member of the Report Operator user role to view and run reports in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console)
report partэлемент отчёта (Andy)
report partэлемент отчёта (A report item that has been published separately to a report server and that can be reused in other reports)
Report printing counterсчётчик печати отчётов (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Report Processor componentкомпонент обработчика отчётов (A component that retrieves the report definition from the report server database and combines it with data from the data source for the report)
Report Projectпроект отчёта
Report Projectпроект отчёта
Report Project Wizardмастер проектов отчётов (A wizard in the report authoring environment used to create reports)
report queueочередь отчётов (For Message Queuing, a queue on the source computer that contains report messages. Report queues can be used when sending test messages and tracking message routes. Rori)
report renderingподготовка отчёта (harser)
report schedulingпланирование отчётов (Andy)
report serverсервер отчётов (Stasy_B)
report server administratorадминистратор сервера отчётов (A user with elevated privileges who can access all settings and content of a report server. A report server administrator is a user who is assigned to the Content Manager role, the System Administrator role, or both. All local administrators are automatically report server administrators, but additional users can become report server administrators for all or part of the report server namespace)
report server databaseбаза данных сервера отчётов
report server execution accountучётная запись сервера отчётов (The account under which the Report Server Web service and Report Server Windows service run. Rori)
report server performanceпроизводительность сервера отчётов (SQL platon)
report server service accountучётная запись службы сервера отчётов (SQL platon)
Report Server Sessionсеанс сервера отчётов (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Report Server URLURL-адрес сервера отчётов (Andy)
Report Server Web serviceвеб-служба сервера отчётов (A Web service that hosts, processes, and delivers reports)
report signatureподпись отчёта (A string used to identify the version of a report)
report snapshotмоментальный снимок отчёта (A static report that contains data captured at a specific point in time)
report-specific scheduleрасписание отчёта (Schedule defined inline with a report. Report-specific schedules are defined in the context of an individual report, subscription, or report execution operation to determine cache expiration or snapshot updates)
report-specific scheduleрасписание отчёта (Rori)
Report statisticsСтатистика по отчётам (Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Report statisticsОтчёт о статистике (Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
report taskзадача отчёта (A task that specifies which reports to generate and what parameters to use; which volumes and folders to report on; how often to generate the reports; and which file formats to save them in)
report taskзадача отчёта (ssn)
report templateшаблон отчёта (An Excel template (.xlt file) that includes one or more queries or PivotTable reports that are based on external data. When you save a report template, Excel saves the query definition but doesn't store the queried data in the template)
Report toolbarпанель инструментов отчётов (The toolbar at the top of the Report section, used to create and edit reports)
report typeтип отчёта (A category of reports that all contain similar information)
report unlawful, abusive, unwanted or malicious email that you findчтобы сообщить о незаконной, некорректной, нежелательной или вредоносной электронной почте (Windows Live Hotmail Wave 5)
Report Viewerсредство просмотра отчётов (A reporting tool, accessible through the Configuration Manager console, that uses your web browser as a report viewer)
Report Web Partвеб-часть отчётов (A feature that allows users to view and interact with reports that are created in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer. Rori)
Report Wizardмастер отчётов (A wizard that guides users through creating and publishing a Reporting Services report)
reporting componentкомпонент для создания отчётов (A component that provides comprehensive reporting functionality for a variety of data sources)
Reporting Services reportотчёт служб отчётов (A report type that acts as a wrapper for a SQL Server Reporting Services report so that the Reporting Services report can be displayed in a PerformancePoint dashboard)
reporting unitблок отчёта (" Any unit or "box" within the reporting tree.")
Reporting viewпредставление отчётов (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator runs reports)
Reports moduleмодуль отчётов (A Microsoft CRM module used to create, view, and print metrics and statistical reports)
Reports pageстраница "Отчёты" (The page in the Administration Center that details Exchange Hosted Services statistics for the hosted organization)
Reports toolbarпанель инструментов отчётов
Request Summary Reportсводный отчёт по запросу (Windows 8 Rori)
resource reportотчёт о ресурсах (Printed information about a project's resources, which usually includes information about costs and the allocation of resources)
Review project file/lessons learned from last year's Annual Report process.Обзор файла проекта и выводов из процесса подготовки годового отчёта за прошлый год. (Project 2007 Rori)
Running storage reportвыполнение отчёта хранилища (Windows 8 Rori)
sales reportотчёт о продажах (A report specific to the Sales areas of the product)
Sample – Expense ReportАвансовый отчёт (образец; Office Setup 2007, InfoPath 2007 Rori)
sample profiling reportотчёт о профилировании выборки (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
Select a value to use for this parameter when running the report.Выберите значение для этого параметра, которое должно использоваться при запуске отчёта (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
Select if work in progress should be included in the report.Выбрать, если выполняемая работа должна быть включена в отчёт (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Select sales tax report layout.Выбрать формат отчёта по налогам. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Self-Service Activity Reportотчёт о действиях в самостоятельном режиме (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Service management reportsОтчёты об управлении сервисным обслуживанием (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
service reportотчёт по сервису (A report generated with customer service data, including case, knowledge base, and contract data)
Shipment report layoutформат отчёта по отгрузке (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
simple summary reportпростой сводный отчёт (SQL platon)
storage reportотчёт хранилища (A reporting tool that alerts administrators to current disk use trends, as well as to attempts by certain users or groups to save unauthorized files)
Storage Usage reportотчёт "Использование хранилища" (A Web analytics report that provides information about storage usage trends. Rori)
sub-reportвложенный отчёт (A report that is displayed in a second window when a user clicks an item in a report)
Synchronization reportотчёт о синхронизации (A DPM report that provides statistics on the success or failure of synchronization jobs, and illustrates patterns of failure)
the direct link to the generated report cannot be created.не удаётся создать прямую ссылку на созданный отчёт (System Center Operations Manager 2012 SP1)
the ID of the user running the report.Идентификатор пользователя, запустившего отчёт (SQL Server 2012)
the report could not be updated because either the parent report or the child report is not customizable.не удалось обновить отчёт, так как родительский или дочерний отчёт не является настраиваемым. (Dynamics CRM 5.0)
Update Status Summary Reportсводный отчёт о состоянии обновлений (Windows 8 Rori)
Updating Signatures of customized Out-of-Box Reportsобновление подписей настроенных готовых отчётов (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
velocity reportотчёт о скорости (A report that provides a measure of the rate of work accomplished per iteration unit of time)
vendor analysis reportотчёт Анализ поставщиков (A document that displays vendor invoice amounts summarized by one or more dimensions. A vendor analysis report is used to monitor and control expenditures assigned to parties, products, locations, activities, or one or more of their classifiers)
View archived reportsпросмотр архивированных отчётов (Windows Small Business Server 2008 Rori)
View how the report process will appear to the end user of this reportПросмотр процесса создания отчёта с точки зрения конечного пользователя (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Visual Reportsнаглядные отчёты (" A menu item that displays output forms (in Excel and Visio) that consume Project data stored in local OLAP cubes. The reports are "visual" in the sense that they can contain graphics, tables etc.")
Web page report viewпредставление веб-отчёта (A report type that contains a Web page. Rori)
Windows Error Reportingотчёты об ошибках Windows (The Windows technology that collects data on system crashes or hangs and sends it to Microsoft)
you must select a book before running this report.Необходимо выбрать книгу до запуска этого отчёта (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)