
Terms for subject Historical containing Regiment | all forms | exact matches only
armored cavalry regimentбронекавалерийский полк (разведывательный полк)
Goorkha regimentsполки гуркхских стрелков (в английской армии)
Gurkha regimentsполки гуркхских стрелков (в английской армии)
Gurkha regimentsполки гуркских стрелков (в английской армии)
Hadiach RegimentГадяцкий полк (wikipedia.org Yanamahan)
household cavalry regimentполк дворцовой кавалерии (Alex_Odeychuk)
Imperial Guard Cuirassier RegimentЛейб-гвардии Кирасирский Его Величества полк (полк тяжёлой кавалерии alexacy)
Imperial Guard Hussar RegimentЛейб-гвардии Гусарский Его Величества полк (alexacy)
Imperial Guard Jager RegimentЛейб-гвардии Егерский Его Величества полк (alexacy)
kilted regimentsполки шотландской пехоты (одетые в национальную форму)
Latvian workers regimentлатышский рабочий полк (Technical)
life guard regimentлейб-гвардии полк (Alex_Odeychuk)
penal regimentкарательный полк (Marie_D)
poteshny regimentпотешный полк (regiment of boy soldiers under Peter the Great)
poteshny regimentпотешные (= потешный полк [regiment of boy soldiers under Peter the Great])
regiment of footпехотный полк (Alex_Odeychuk)
Semyonovsky Life Guard RegimentЛейб-гвардии Семёновский полк (Alex_Odeychuk)
Semyonovsky Life Guard RegimentСемёновский лейб-гвардии полк (Alex_Odeychuk)
toy regimentпотешный полк (When, as a young boy, his mother removed him from Moscow to the suburban village of Preobrazhensky to protect him from the plots of his half-sister Sophia who sought the title of Regent, Peter took advantage of his relative freedom from diplomatic etiquette and from the ceremony of the Russian court to develop his interest in military ventures. He gathered around him young men from all social classes to form toy regiments. He engaged his troops in elaborately planned military games, in which the manoeuvres were calculated beforehand, and a detailed account was kept of battle formations and camp positions – by J.J. Lingwood Tamerlane)