
Terms for subject Ice hockey containing Player | all forms | exact matches only
all-around player ...now seems like a good time to change gears and focus on one of the best all-around players in the game, Jarome Iginla.универсальный игрок (VLZ_58)
all-round playerуниверсальный игрок (Юрий Гомон)
depth playerигрок глубокого запаса (fragilistic)
experience playerопытный игрок (maystay)
field playerполевой игрок (jagr6880)
200-foot playerигрок, активно действующий по всей площадке (Длина хоккейной площадки в НХЛ составляет 200 футов, или 60,96 м. VLZ_58)
franchise playerключевой игрок (VLZ_58)
franchise playerстолп команды (VLZ_58)
hockey playerхоккеистка (Юрий Гомон)
hockey playerхоккеист
lunch pail player"рабочая лошадка" (VLZ_58)
lunch pail player"трудяга" (VLZ_58)
lunch pail playerдисциплинированный игрок (Mighty Ducks defenseman Shane Hnidy is what hockey people like to call a "lunch-pail player," always coming to work ready to play and doing all the little things needed to win. VLZ_58)
moody playerигрок настроения (HARagLiAMov)
offending playerигрок допускающий ошибку
penalized playerоштрафованный игрок (jagr6880)
player's benchскамейка запасных (jagr6880)
player's benchскамья для игроков
recall a playerвызвать игрока (из фарм-клуба HARagLiAMov)
sanctioned playerоштрафованный игрок (jagr6880)
too many players on iceпревышение численного состава (I. Havkin)
too many players on ice"лишний игрок" (как нарушение I. Havkin)
too many players on iceнарушение численного состава (I. Havkin)
too many players on the ice"лишний игрок" (как нарушение I. Havkin)
too many players on the iceпревышение численного состава (I. Havkin)
up and coming playerперспективный хоккеист (ART Vancouver)
utility playerуниверсальный игрок (Garpenlov battled injuries and was a decent utility player for the Panthers over the next three seasons. VLZ_58)
veteran playerвозрастной игрок (maystay)
veteran playerветеран (maystay)
well-rounded player In the past two seasons, Lidstrom has finished with a plus/minus of +40, making him one of the most well-rounded players in the league today.универсальный игрок
well-rounded playerуниверсальный игрок (In the past two seasons, Lidstrom has finished with a plus/minus of +40, making him one of the most well-rounded players in the league today. VLZ_58)