
Terms for subject General containing Online | all forms | exact matches only
Access to Global Online Research in AgricultureПрограмма ФАО ООН по обеспечению доступа к материалам научно-исследовательских работ в области сельского хозяйства (4uzhoj)
available onlineдоступно на веб-сайте (Andy)
ban children from going onlineне позволять детям общаться с кем-л в интернете в режиме онлайн
be available onlineнаходиться в онлайн доступе (Johnny Bravo)
be available onlineбыть доступным в сети Интернет (When will my local newspaper be available online? Alexander Demidov)
brick-and-mortar, online and mobileфизические, интернет и мобильные каналы связи (Create a Marketing Plan that covers brick-and-mortar, online, and mobile. | This should integrate brick and mortar, online and mobile into one store they can shop at wherever they are and whenever they want. Alexander Demidov)
bricks and mortar, online and mobileфизические, интернет и мобильные каналы связи (bricks and mortar, online and mobile – in sync? One study found that 19% of shoppers who begin their search on retail sites either purchase directly on the retail ... | Further expansion of online presence but more specifically integration across bricks-and-mortar, online and mobile, and bricks being seen as ... Alexander Demidov)
broadcast live event onlineвести прямую трансляцию онлайн (antoxi)
check out onlineпосмотреть на сайте (We have a huge variety of electric bikes. Check them out online at www...... ART Vancouver)
clamp down on online expressionограничивать свободу поиска, получения и распространения информации в интернете (The freedom of expression includes any activity of seeking, receiving, and imparting information: The authorities have increasingly taken steps to clamp down on online expression, including by jailing individuals over posts, messages and even music. theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
come onlineвозобновить работу (triumfov)
come onlineприступать к работе
come onlineприступить к работе
come onlineстановиться доступным (Prices for delivery in the years also successively crept up as traders bet on gas shortages in Europe until significant new LNG supplies come online. wsj.com aldrignedigen)
come onlineвойти в эксплуатацию (DC)
continuous furnace with online quenchingпечь непрерывного действия с on-line закалкой (Alexander Demidov)
create a buzz onlineвызвать сенсацию в интернете (Other skeptical viewers have also speculated that perhaps the video is a well-crafted hoax that the model shared on social media in the hopes of creating a buzz online. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
dating onlineзнакомство онлайн (Andy)
face-to-face or online interviewочное или дистанционное интервью (The candidates short-listed from the telephone screening are invited for a final face-to-face or online interview and short listed for ... | ... work on video accompanied by a short (500 words max) explanation / contextualisation of the work, and a face- to- face or online interview (Skype or similar). Alexander Demidov)
get to know someone onlineпознакомиться через интернет (Online dating scam: getting to know someone online and after you feel a connection, they ask you to wire money. ART Vancouver)
go onlineпереходить в онлайн-формат (о процессах, проектах, работе, учёбе и т.п. Ремедиос_П)
go viral onlineразойтись по всему Интернету (dimock)
go viral onlineразлететься по интернету (Pet owners are up in arms after a TikTok video showing the pet compartment on airplanes went viral online. newsweek.com)
27 had met up with online friends27 из них завязали знакомства по интернету
in online modeв режиме "онлайн" (Andrey Truhachev)
JAVA based Realtime Online DecisiOn Support systemсистема поддержки принятия решений в режиме реального времени на JAVA (JRODOS – европейская система поддержки принятия управленческих решений в случае аварийного выброса радиоактивных веществ в окружающую среду mzviniti)
learn about what our kids are doing onlineузнать, чем занимаются дети в интернете
many in the field of sexual addiction argue that online sexual activity has become realityмногие из тех, кто проявляет повышенный интерес к сексу, утверждают, что "секс по интернету" стал реальностью
meet people one has befriended onlineвстречаться с людьми, с которыми ты познакомился по интернету
most teenage boys and girls are unaware of the dangers of face-to-face meetings with online friendsбольшинство подростков не имеют понятия об опасностях, которые подстерегают их при реальной встрече с людьми, с которыми они познакомились по интернету
move onlineпереводить в онлайн-формат (о процессах, проектах, работе, учебе и т.д. Ремедиос_П)
never share personal information onlineникогда не сообщайте о себе личной информации в режиме онлайн (bigmaxus)
online accessонлайновый доступ (ssn)
Online Access to Research in the EnvironmentПрограмма доступа к материалам научно-исследовательских работ в области окружающей среды (4uzhoj)
online attackинтернет-атака (bookworm)
online auctionаукцион в электронном виде (Alexander Demidov)
online auctionэлектронные торги (Using the Web to match buyers and sellers around the globe. eBay pioneered the online auction in 1995, and Amazon.com, Yahoo and others quickly followed. Priceline added a variation by asking buyers to name the price they want to pay and see if a seller will match it. See eBay, Amazon.com, priceline.com, sniping software and bid shielding. Computer Desktop Encyclopedia copyright ©1981-2015 by The Computer Language Company Inc. Alexander Demidov)
online auctionэлектронный аукцион (Alexander Demidov)
online auctionаукцион в электронной форме (Alexander Demidov)
online banking applicationзаявление на дистанционное банковское обслуживание (ssn)
online banking systemсистема банк-клиент (Alexander Demidov)
online broadcasterИнтернет-канал (All started web-tv offerings in 2006, and the largest newspaper, national tabloid VG, also became the leading online broadcaster, to the frustration of the nation's dominating broadcaster, NRK. The leading commercial broadcaster, TV 2, had become a major player in online news through the purchase of the online-only ... Alexander Demidov)
Online Business CardСайт-визитка (Alexander Demidov)
online comicsвеб-комикс (комикс, опубликованный в компьютерной сети Vicomte)
online conferenceинтернет-конференция (Alexander Demidov)
online courseкурс дистанционного обучения (Alexander Demidov)
Online Curriculumучебный план онлайн (Andy)
Online CurriculumИнтерактивный учебный план (Andy)
online customs filingинтернет-декларирование (Alexander Demidov)
online customs filingэлектронное декларирование (Alexander Demidov)
online data transmissionпередача данных в режиме реального времени (Александр Рыжов)
online databaseавтоматизированная информационная система (An online database is a database accessible from a network, including from the Internet. WK Alexander Demidov)
online databaseдоступная в режиме реального времени база данных (Александр Рыжов)
online datingзнакомство онлайн (Andy)
online datingсвидание он-лайн (drag)
online datingзнакомства через Интернет (SirReal)
online datingонлайн-знакомства (SirReal)
online datingзнакомства по интернету
online datingсвидание по интернету
online educationдистанционное образование (Alexander Demidov)
online educationэлектронное образование (Alexander Demidov)
online experienceотображаемая информация (пример:  Thus, under the new competitive paradigm, the online experience will differ, as firms personalize how, and in what order, they present the products. A.Rezvov)
online feedbackинтернет-отзывы (Alexander Demidov)
online food delivery serviceонлайн-сервис доставки еды ('More)
online food delivery serviceонлайн-сервис по доставке еды ('More)
online footprintприсутствие в интернете
online footprintпредставленность в интернете
online grocerпродовольственный интернет-магазин (Yeldar Azanbayev)
online grocerпродуктовый интернет-магазин (Yeldar Azanbayev)
online harassmentоскорбления в режиме реального времени (bigmaxus)
online harassmentдомогательства в интернете
online harassmentдомогательства в режиме реального времени (bigmaxus)
online helpинформационно-советующая система (Alexander Demidov)
online incorporationрегистрация юридических лиц через Интернет (Here's what to expect when you incorporate online with BizFilings – 5 steps to online incorporation. We'll email you at different points in the process or you can ... Alexander Demidov)
online incorporation serviceсервис регистрации юридических лиц через Интернет (Should You Use An Online Incorporation Service? Alexander Demidov)
online insurerкомпания онлайн-страхования (ИВГ)
online insurerстраховая онлайн-компания (ИВГ)
online interactionsэлектронное взаимодействие (Alexander Demidov)
online magazineинтернет-журнал (in the online magazine Afisha. NYT Alexander Demidov)
online management systemэлектронная система управления (Alexander Demidov)
online marketing fraudsterинфоцыган (Контекст! Aiduza)
online mediэлектронные СМИ (While online media will be affected, the legislation will be difficult to apply to the digital world. In the past, the online media has gone into a frenzy reporting on the charges against the photographer. These tactics are accompanied by other repressive measures–including, increasingly, online media censorship. reference.com Alexander Demidov)
online mediaweb-каналы (Печатные носители и web-каналы = Printed and online media Alexander Demidov)
online mediaэлектронные СМИ (While online media will be affected, the legislation will be difficult to apply to the digital world. In the past, the online media has gone into a frenzy reporting on the charges against the photographer. These tactics are accompanied by other repressive measures–including, increasingly, online media censorship. reference.com Alexander Demidov)
online mediaэлектронные средства массовой информации (Press, magazines, books, television, radio and advertising incorporated into internet Mediassociation provides an excellent source of online media. UD Alexander Demidov)
online mediaинтернет-издание (online media outlet в ед. числе Alexander Demidov)
online media outleэлектронное СМИ (Presentation of the new online media "Eldiario.Es", which launched the 18th of September of 2012, as a new Spanish digital newspaper. | Article published in 'The Conversation', an online media outlet which seeks to make academic research more accessible to the public as a whole. | When Jonah Peretti set up online media outlet BuzzFeed in 2006, it was hard to imagine that in just eight years" time, the news and ... Alexander Demidov)
online media outletинтернет-издание (Devkit Magazine: a new online media outlet for dev kits and more. | As the sole online media outlet on campus, The Yorker offers unrivalled 24-hour publishing and, attracting over 750,000 hits each year, we are quickly becoming ... Alexander Demidov)
online media outletэлектронное СМИ (Presentation of the new online media "Eldiario.Es", which launched the 18th of September of 2012, as a new Spanish digital newspaper. | Article published in 'The Conversation', an online media outlet which seeks to make academic research more accessible to the public as a whole. | When Jonah Peretti set up online media outlet BuzzFeed in 2006, it was hard to imagine that in just eight years" time, the news and ... Alexander Demidov)
online media outletsинтернет-СМИ (площадка либеральных интернет-СМИ прямо формирует массовое сознание тех, кто …)
online media outletsсетевые издания
online mediumинтернет-площадка (Google+ is set to become the fastest growing online medium in 2012 says Habib Amir, Head of Digital at Clarion Alexander Demidov)
online mediumонлайн-площадка (Rockatar-An ideal online medium for music lovers: Rockatar is the most pioneering company that provides a chance to aspiring musicians to learn music from private singing teachers. Alexander Demidov)
online meetingинтернет-конференция (inn)
online money orderэлектронный денежный перевод (Alexander Demidov)
online news outletИнтернет информагентство
online news outletинформационный портал
online news outletинформационное интернет-издание
online news outletновостной медиапортал
online news outletинтернет-портал новостей
online news outletсетевое издание (из заявления в суд: … видео было размещено средством массовой информации – сетевым изданием «Царьград» //2020)
online news outletканал онлайн-медиа (из искового заявления: … размещённый на канале онлайн-медиа «Царьград» со среднесуточной аудиторией 1 млн. человек ///2020)
online news outletинформационный медиапортал
online news outletновостной портал
online news outletонлайн новостной агрегатор
online news outletсетевое агентство новостей
online news outletsсетевые СМИ
online news outletsсетевые информагентства
online news outletsновостные онлайн издания
online news outletsИнтернет СМИ (Рейтинги газет, журналов, ТВ, радио и интернет СМИ)
online news outletsсетевые издания
online newspaperинтернет-газета (An online newspaper is the online version of a newspaper, either as a stand-alone publication or as the online version of a printed periodical. Going online created more opportunities for newspapers, such as competing with broadcast journalism in presenting breaking news in a more timely manner. The credibility and strong brand recognition of well-established newspapers, and the close relationships they have with advertisers, are also seen by many in the newspaper industry as strengthening their chances of survival. WK Alexander Demidov)
online ordering systemсистема размещения онлайн-заказов (Alexander Demidov)
online petitionинтернет-петиция (Кунделев)
online pharmacyинтернет-аптека (Online pharmacies, Internet pharmacies, or Mail Order Pharmacies are pharmacies that operate over the Internet and send the orders to customers through the mail or shipping companies. WK Alexander Demidov)
online pickingкомплектация заказов в режиме онлайн (Radomir218)
online pollонлайн-голосование (Халеев)
online populationинтернет-пользователи (в собирательном значении, или: "количество интернет-пользователей" twinkie)
online populationинтерактивное население (Serge Ragachewski)
online presenceпредставительство в сети Интернет (For today's entrepreneurs, creating an online presence has never been more important. The digital marketing experts on our Team Digital will answer... Alexander Demidov)
online presence managementорганизация представительства в сети Интернет (Online presence management is the process of presenting and drawing traffic to a personal or professional brand online. This process combines web design and development, blogging, search engine optimization, pay per click marketing, reputation management, directory listings, social media, link sharing, and other avenues to create a long-term positive presence for a person, organization, or product in search engines and on the web in general. WK Alexander Demidov)
online processingэлектронная обработка (Alexander Demidov)
online public procurement portalЕдиная информационная система в сфере закупок
online public procurement portalофициальный сайт госзакупок
online publishingразмещение в интернете (Although distribution via the Internet (also known as online publishing or web publishing when in the form of a website) is nowadays strongly associated with electronic publishing, there are many non network electronic publications such as Encyclopedias on CD and DVD, as well as technical and reference publications relied on by mobile users and others without reliable and high speed access to a network. WK)
online purchaseонлайн-покупка (ssn)
online-requestонлайн-заявка (bigmaxus)
online resourcesонлайн-ресурсы (rechnik)
online retailerкомпания Интернет-торговли (ИВГ)
online retailerинтернет-магазин (sissoko)
online retailersигроки рынка интернет-торговли (Alexander Demidov)
online retailingонлайн-торговля (Online shopping or online retailing is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Alternative names are: e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, and virtual store. An online shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or shopping center; the process is called business-to-consumer (B2C) online shopping. In the case where a business buys from another business, the process is called business-to-business (B2B) online shopping. The largest of these online retailing corporations are eBay and Amazon.com, both based in the United States. WK Alexander Demidov)
online reviewотзыв в интернете
online reviewонлайновый отзыв (A.Rezvov)
Online saleПродажа товаров через Интернет (Валерия 555)
online salesпродажи через интернет (Although Natura Siberica uses social media, and particularly Instagram, to promote itself, currently it has only limited online sales. BBC Alexander Demidov)
online search engineпоисковик (Artjaazz)
online sensorдатчик данных в режиме онлайн (soa.iya)
online serviceинтернет-служба (bigmaxus)
online service providerинтернет-сервис (An online service provider can, for example, be an Internet service provider, email provider, news provider (press), entertainment provider (music, movies), search, e-shopping site (E-commerce), e-finance or e-banking site, e-health site, e-government site, Wikipedia, or Usenet. In its original more limited definition, it referred only to a commercial computer communication service in which paid members could dial via a computer modem the service's private computer network and access various services and information resources such a bulletin boards, downloadable files and programs, news articles, chat rooms, and electronic mail services. The term "online service" was also used in references to these dial-up services. WK Alexander Demidov)
online shopвиртуальный магазин (Alexander Demidov)
online shopInternet-магазин (Alexander Demidov)
online shopсетевой магазин (shergilov)
online shoppingпокупки в интернете (livebetter.ru)
online shoppingонлайн-торговля (WK Alexander Demidov)
online shopping cartкорзина (в интернет-магазине A.Rezvov)
online social networkинтернет-сообщество (Critics of the government have said for weeks that they expected widespread campaign abuses, and reports of electoral violations streamed into online social networks during the early morning hours, as the ruling party's vote tally edged upward. NYT Alexander Demidov)
online stock exchangeэлектронная торговая площадка (In Birmingham, for example, the InvestBX online stock exchange set up two years ago with £3m of public funding still only has three listed ... Alexander Demidov)
online storeинтернет-магазин (A cyber shop or place of business. You can generally browse through merchandise and services that you can optionally purchase directly or indirectly online AnnaB)
online streamerинтернет-стример (ROGER YOUNG)
online support toolsсредства онлайн-обслуживания (клиентов sankozh)
online surveyинтернет-опрос (Alexander Demidov)
online systemинтернет-служба (Pavlov Igor)
online telephone directoryэлектронный адресно-телефонный справочник (Alexander Demidov)
online ticket sales systemсистема он-лайн продаж билетов (Alexander Demidov)
online tradingИнтернет-трейдинг (Alexander Demidov)
online tradingинтернет-трейдинг (Alexander Demidov)
online trading platformэлектронная торговая площадка (In finance, an electronic trading platform also known as an online trading platform, is a computer software program that can be used to place orders for financial products over a network with a financial intermediary. Various financial products can be traded by the trading platform, over a communication network with a financial intermediary or directly between the participants or members of the trading platform. This includes products such as stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, derivatives and others, with a financial intermediary, such as brokers, market makers, Investment banks or stock exchanges. Such platforms allow electronic trading to be carried out by users from any location and are in contrast to traditional floor trading using open outcry and telephone based trading. Sometimes the term trading platform is also used in reference to the trading software alone. WK Alexander Demidov)
online trading systemэлектронная торгово-информационная система (Alexander Demidov)
Online transaction processingобработка транзакций в режиме реального времени (Artjaazz)
online troubleshootingдиагностика в режиме онлайн (Alexander Demidov)
online userпользователь сети (Alex Lilo)
online wizard systemавтоматизированная справочная система информационно-интеллектуальной поддержки (Alexander Demidov)
online worldОнляндия (Artjaazz)
online worldонлайн-мир (Artjaazz)
onsite or online trainingочное или дистанционное обучение (With iConlogic, I'm can take live online courses or request customized classes for onsite or online training to meet my organizational needs. Customizable & flexible onsite or online training. Webinars & Online Learning. Webinars and online learning opportunities are regularly scheduled and can be ... Alexander Demidov)
order onlineзаказать товары по интернету (Andrey Truhachev)
personal online areaличный онлайн-кабинет (Your Account is your own personal online area where you can manage everything about your Virgin mobile account. Take a look. Alexander Demidov)
post onlineопубликовать на сайте в интернете (Russia has been demanding security guarantees from the US and NATO, including a binding pledge that NATO won't expand further east and will not allow Ukraine to join the military alliance, according to a draft proposal posted online Friday by Russia's foreign ministry. cnn.com)
post something onlineвыложить в интернет (OLGA P.)
public online auctionоткрытый аукцион в электронном виде (Alexander Demidov)
public online auctionоткрытый аукцион в электронной форме (Alexander Demidov)
publish onlineпубликовать в интернете
published onlineопубликованный в интернете
shop onlineпокупать через Интернет (A.Rezvov)
shop onlineделать онлайновые покупки (A.Rezvov)
shop onlineсовершать покупки в интернет-магазинах (Alexander Demidov)
shop onlineсовершать покупки в сети (Alexander Demidov)
smart online help systemавтоматизированная справочная интеллектуально-информационная система (Alexander Demidov)
teach how to tackle online bulliesобучать, как давать отпор сетевым "интерактивным" хулиганам (bigmaxus)
unsafe online practicesнеосторожное общение в режиме онлайн (bigmaxus)
video posted onlineвидеоролик, опубликованный в интернете (ART Vancouver)
view adult content onlineв режиме онлайн знакомиться с содержанием сайтов для взрослых (bigmaxus)