
Terms for subject Formal containing ON | all forms | exact matches only
as the latter depends on the formerпоскольку последний зависит от первого (Alex_Odeychuk)
assumes no liabilities onне несёт обязательств по (val123)
based on careful considerationтщательно рассмотрев вопрос (In what could be a major blow to local First Nations and the B.C. tourism sector, the province has announced it will not support a bid to host the 2030 Olympics and Paralympics. (...) “Based on careful consideration, the Province is declining to support a bid,” Beare’s statement Thursday reads, in part. citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
based on careful considerationвнимательно изучив вопрос (In what could be a major blow to local First Nations and the B.C. tourism sector, the province has announced it will not support a bid to host the 2030 Olympics and Paralympics. (...) “Based on careful consideration, the Province is declining to support a bid,” Beare’s statement Thursday reads, in part. citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
based on new information it receivedна основе вновь полученной информации (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
based on the aboveна основании вышеизложенного (igisheva)
based on the aforesaidна основании вышеизложенного (igisheva)
based on the foregoingна основании изложенного (igisheva)
be kept on fileхраниться в деле (Alex_Odeychuk)
be on leaveбыть в отпуске (Lucym)
be on the riseрасти (Consumer confidence is on the rise. – Растёт потребительская уверенность. ART Vancouver)
be on vacation leaveбыть в отпуске (bigmaxus)
ceiling onограничение роста (MichaelBurov)
commence --- Sorry, neither "kick start' nor 'embark on" are stylistically appropriate hereприступить к выполнению (ART Vancouver)
depends on factors such asзависеть от таких факторов, как (Alex_Odeychuk)
discrimination on the grounds of genderдискриминация по признаку пола (ART Vancouver)
embark onприступить к (книге, работе, проекту: Having written 'The Insects of England' in 2022, we immediately embarked on this companion volume 'The Insects of Wales'. ART Vancouver)
embark onприступать к (As Seaspan embarks on several weeks of public engagement as part of the Port Authority’s process for Vancouver Drydock’s water lot project, we want to respond to your most recent editorial and related news article about our proposal. -- Приступая к ... (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
for use on certificatesдля справок (на печатях; рабочий вариант перевода 4uzhoj)
frauds on the governmentмошенничество в отношении правительства (Criminal Code of Canada ART Vancouver)
have an impact onотразиться на (The weapons that the US and its allies continue to send to Ukraine will not have an impact on the outcome of Russia's ongoing military operation, National Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev said at a meeting on Tuesday. -- не отразятся на ART Vancouver)
information on whetherсведения о наличии (Looking for Information as to whether officers can change their holster for their taser or side arm for their preferences ... gov.uk Ying)
insights onсоображения о (Alex_Odeychuk)
intrude on someone's timeзлоупотреблять вниманием (SirReal)
Law on the Regime of ForeignersЗакон о режиме иностранцев (Закон о режиме иностранцев в Республике Молдова Rori)
officer on patrolпатрульный полицейский (An officer on patrol in Oakridge spotted a man who matched a description provided by three recent assault victims and arrested him Friday night. ART Vancouver)
on a daily basisежедневно ("US military personnel report UFO sightings on a daily basis." "US military personnel are usually all high!" "And not altitude high!" (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver)
on a daily basisв ежедневном режиме (Alex_Odeychuk)
on a missionс заданием (Alex_Odeychuk)
on a missionс поставленной задачей (Alex_Odeychuk)
on a missionс поручением (Alex_Odeychuk)
on a percentage basisв процентах (ART Vancouver)
on a weekly basisв еженедельном режиме (Alex_Odeychuk)
on amicable termsв дружеских отношениях (with – с: Cressida Bonas is on amicable terms with the Prince, but they are not particularly close. – находится / состоит в в дружеских отношениях с Гарри ART Vancouver)
on at least three occasionsне менее трёх раз (It concerned an immense monkey-like creature seen on several occasions at Crowlas, near Penzance, England. The creature was seen by local folk late at night, on at least three occasions, and was described as being around eight feet in height and made a strange whistling noise that was interpreted as a call – to who or what, mercifully, remains unknown. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
on both occasionsв обоих случаях ("Apart from occasional trips to the airport I seldom use taxi service on the North Shore. On two occasions this year, however, I experienced very poor service from two companies that operate in our community. On both occasions I called for a cab to take my wife and I from Dundarave to Folkestone Way and ended up waiting for over an hour on both occasions." (NS News) ART Vancouver)
on case-by-case basisиндивидуально (igisheva)
on case-by-case basisв индивидуальном порядке (igisheva)
on fileв архиве (Alex_Odeychuk)
on instructionsпо распоряжению (Andrey Truhachev)
on other groundsна иных основаниях (ART Vancouver)
on pretence ofпод предлогом ("You must confine yourself to your room, on pretence of a headache, when your stepfather comes back." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – под предлогом головной боли ART Vancouver)
on the basis of the above facts/informationна основании изложенного (ART Vancouver)
on the last occasionв последний раз (On the last occasion he had mentioned that he had no plans to renew his lease. ART Vancouver)
on the matter of the utmost importanceпо крайне важному делу (see the minister on the matter of the utmost importance ART Vancouver)
on the merits ofпо существу (какого-либо вопроса A.Rezvov)
on the yearly baseна ежегодной основе (Soulbringer)
on two different occasionsдважды (The legendary Loch Ness Monster is making waves once again after the beloved cryptid was spotted on two different occasions over the course of just five days. ART Vancouver)
on two separate occasionsдважды (I wrote on two separate occasions to him but never received a reply to my requests for information. ART Vancouver)
on whose behalfот имени которого (Ying)
opine on soundnessвысказать мнение (Lialia03)
place a priority onвыдвигать на передний план (ART Vancouver)
put someone on the lineпередать трубку ("Yes sir, Mr. Wilson. I'll put him on the line," the deputy said as he handed his cell to Woody. 4uzhoj)
report on the work ofсообщение о работе (financial-engineer)
reports on the economic development and scientific developmentотчёты об экономическом и научно-техническом развитии (financial-engineer)
served on a rotation systemотбывать службу на ротационной основе (Alex_Odeychuk)
State Committee on PropertyГосударственный комитет по имуществу Республики Беларусь (government.by owant)
take on an obligationпринимать на себя обязательство (ART Vancouver)
take on the obligationвзять на себя обязательство (Statement of Russian President VV Putin in connection with the decision of U.S. President Bill Clinton to not take on the obligation to deploy a missile defense system nationally ART Vancouver)
take on the obligationбрать на себя обязательства (Statement of Russian President VV Putin in connection with the decision of U.S. President Bill Clinton to not take on the obligation to deploy a missile defense system nationally ART Vancouver)
the decision, announced in a statement on the government's website after a meeting of the cabinet of ministersрешение, объявленное в заявлении на сайте правительства по итогам заседания кабинета министров (Wall Street Journal Alex_Odeychuk)
the information we have on recordсведения, которыми мы располагаем
the main emphasis of this paper will be onОсновное внимание в данной работе будет сосредоточено на
the name on your government-issued IDимя по удостоверению личности государственного образца (Use the name on your government-issued ID. Alex_Odeychuk)
under/on false pretensesпо надуманному поводу (ART Vancouver)
view content on social mediaпросматривать материалы в социальной сети (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
we would like to concentrate onмы бы хотели сосредоточиться на