
Terms for subject Collective containing OF | all forms | exact matches only
a quantity of baked productsпечение
accumulation of snagsкоряжник
and entrails of animalsсбой (as meat)
band of hooligansхулиганьё
band of hooligansхулиганье
body of magistratesмагистратура
body of rabbisраввинат
classic works of literatureклассическая литература (ART Vancouver)
cluster of grapesгроздие
collection of themesтемник
complement of horsesконский состав
confused mixture of thingsсброд
confused mixture of thingsсброд
eight pairs of scissorsвосьмеро ножниц
eight pairs of scissorsножниц восьмеро
flock of kitesкоршуньё
head, legs, and entrails of animalsсбой (as meat)
judges (of competition, etcжюри (neut; indecl)
list of topicsтемник
member of the hanging committeeчлен жюри
members of Komsomolкомсомолия
members of Komsomolкомсомолия
members of Komsomolкомса
members of Komsomolкомса
members of municipal administrationмуниципалитет
noisy group of peopleвольни (афа)
noisy group of peopleповольница
occupants of the buildings on a streetулица
occupants of the buildings on a streetулица
old Russian name of Estonians and other western Finnish tribesчудь
pack of hunting dogsсвора
pack of wolvesсвора
peasants of average meansсереднячество
people of colourрасовые меньшинства (POC -- отличные от белого населения: "Plus moving to smaller towns isn’t always the best option for someone of colour as most of those small towns tend to be a bit redneck-esque, so while that was a great option for you, not everyone likes the idea of living in forest fire territory where work is limited, rent is just as bad if not worse than in Vancouver and anyone not white gets looked at cross eyed." "POC were more accepted out of town than in the city I found. The main difference being everyone just minded their own business. I didnt believe it myself. And all my buds up there of color agreed." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
pieces of decorпредметы обстановки (предметы обычной домашней обстановки ART Vancouver)
place full of sawyersкоряжник
population of a villageсело
prominent members of the communityобщественность
quantity of baked productsпечение
set of chinaпосуда
set of weightsразновесок
set of weightsразновеска
shreds of woodсоломка
students of philosophy in a theological seminaryфилософия
students of philosophyфилософия (in a theological seminary)
swarm of midgesмошка́ (= мошкара́)
the clergy of a parishпри́чет
the clergy of a parishпричёт
the population of a villageсело
there are eight of usнас восьмеро
there are six of usнас шестеро
there were seven of usнас было семеро
thicket of bramblesежевичник
torn pieces of threadрваньё (= рвань)
torn pieces of threadрвань
torn pieces of threadрванье
torn pieces of yarnрваньё (= рвань)
torn pieces of yarnрвань
torn pieces of yarnрванье
variety of flowering herbsразноцветье
V-part of an engine cylinder blockразвал двигателя (MenshovaAnna)
V-shaped part of an engine cylinder blockразвал двигателя (MenshovaAnna)