
Terms for subject General containing Methodology | all forms | exact matches only
accounting methodologyметодология ведения бухгалтерского учёта (of this type of misapplication of accounting methodology occurring in the future. Alexander Demidov)
application methodologyметодика применения (Alexander Demidov)
assessment methodologyметодология оценки (Yanamahan)
Award methodologyметодология присуждения премий (yevsey)
Budget Policy and Methodology DepartmentДепартамент бюджетной политики и методологии (E&Y ABelonogov)
business process methodologyметодология бизнес-процессов (A business process methodology is a plan to create more efficient means of doing business. Alexander Demidov)
calculation methodologyметодология расчёта (Andy)
certificate on the methodologyсвидетельство о соответствии методов, применяемых для расчёта издержек, стандартам бухгалтерской деятельности (4uzhoj)
Concerning the Methodology for the Calculation of the Internal Resources Capital of Credit Organizationsо методике расчёта собственных средств капитала кредитных организаций (E&Y)
Department for the Methodology and Organization of Bookkeeping and AccountingУправление методологии и организации бухгалтерского учёта (E&Y ABelonogov)
develop the methodologyразработать методику (ART Vancouver)
formation of methodologyформирование методологии (DmitryCher)
framework methodologyоснова методологии (for Alexander Demidov)
International Training and Methodology Centre for Financial MonitoringМУМЦФМ (Международный учебно-методический центр финансового мониторинга rechnik)
lean methodologyметодическая основа бережливого производства
measuring methodologyпринцип метода измерений (Alexander Demidov)
methodologies and instrumentation for forensic analysisметодологии и инструментарий судебной экспертизы
methodology and terms of referenceпринцип метода и общие требования (принцип метода оценки и общие требования = evaluation methodology and terms of reference Alexander Demidov)
methodology for computing rental chargesметодика расчёта арендной платы (ABelonogov)
methodology for the study ofметодика изучения (Tamerlane)
methodology guidelines with inspection evaluation/assessment criteriaметодические указания с критериями оценок результата проверок (Yeldar Azanbayev)
methodology of estimationsметодика расчётов (VictorMashkovtsev)
Methodology of Experimental WorkМетодика опытного дела (ROGER YOUNG)
pertaining to the methodology of teachingметодический
pricing methodologyпорядок ценообразования (Alexander Demidov)
pricing methodologyметодология расчёта цены (The transmission pricing methodology sets out the methodology under which transmission charges are calculated, with a view to recovery by Transpower of the ... Alexander Demidov)
proprietary methodologyавторская методика (Gartner's proprietary methodologies and processes are the IT industry standard and include Magic Quadrants, Hype Cycles, Marketscopes and Vendor Ratings. Alexander Demidov)
relating to methodology of scienceнаучно-методологический (ABelonogov)
specialist on the methodology of teachingметодист
Stanislavskian Acting Methodologyсистема Станиславского (Anglophile)
the methodology recommendations on the organization of the operational control of the compliance with the industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilitiesМетодические рекомендации по организации производственного контроля за соблюдением требований промышленной безопасности на опасных производственных объектах
theories and methodologies of teachingтеория и методика преподавания (between the theories and methodologies of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. The course thoroughly prepares you to successfully teach different age ... Alexander Demidov)
theory and methodology of teachingтеория и методика преподавания (Diploma in the Theory and Methodology of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Dip.(TM)TESOL (ACTDEC Level 6) Senior Teacher Status ... Certificate provides a comprehensive course which includes a balance between the theory and methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. ... Teaching Grammar and Acquiring Assessment Skills; The Essentials of the EFL Classroom; The Theory and Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign ... Alexander Demidov)
Unified Professional Training Methodology for Lawyers and ParalegalsЕдиная методика профессиональной подготовки адвокатов и их помощников (Бруклин Додж)