
Terms for subject Chemical industry containing Materials | all forms | exact matches only
Acid process materialкислый начальный раствор (Maxym)
bulk materialнерасфасованный материал (igisheva)
bulk materialпродукт в массе (igisheva)
chemical materialхимический продукт (igisheva)
chemical materialхимическое вещество (igisheva)
conversion of raw materials toвыход (такого-то продукта; such and such product igisheva)
film-forming coating materialплёнкообразующий покрывающий материал (VladStrannik)
graphene materialграфеновый материал (silver_glepha)
heat generating materialтеплообразующий материал (Paul_K)
performance materialsэксплуатационные материалы (The Materials segment comprises the Performance Materials and Monomers divisions. The segment’s portfolio includes advanced materials and their precursors for new applications and systems such as isocyanates, polyamides and inorganic basic products as well as specialties for the plastics and plastics processing industries. We differentiate ourselves through specific technology expertise, industry knowledge and customer proximity, and create maximum value in the isocyanate and polyamide value chains. 'More)