
Terms for subject Informal containing JOINTS | all forms
beer jointпивбар (Val_Ships)
beer jointпивная (Val_Ships)
blow this jointуматывать (Let's blow this joint before they find us )
blow this jointсматываться (Let's blow this joint before they find us .)
breakfast jointкафе, где подают завтрак (Two Westwood breakfast spots are closing: The Westwood breakfast scene recently took a hit with a 35-year-old De Dutch announcing its closure, and now another long-standing breakfast joint announced it’s closing, too: Denny's. ART Vancouver)
jazz jointджаз-бар (Acruxia)
large jointмостолыга
large jointмосол
large jointмостолыга (= мосол)
large jointмослак
large jointмослак (= мосол)
large jointмаслак (= мослак)
large jointмаслак
on the jointна толчке (lettim)
pulling jointбар, где можно снять девушку (Leonid Dzhepko)
put one's nose out of jointподставить кому-л. ногу
put one's nose out of jointвытеснить (кого-л.)
separate at the jointsраздаваться (impf of раздаться)
separate at the jointsраздаться (pf of раздаваться)
separate at the jointsраздаться
separate at the jointsраздаваться
stink up the jointзавонять помещение (неприятными запахами: "Why don't you guys paint this place in June instead of November when all the windows are closed?" "Hey, what's the matter?" "You're stinking up the joint, that's what's the matter!" (Fuzz, 1972) -- Вы завоняли всё помещение (своей краской) ART Vancouver)
strip jointстриптиз-бар (Anglophile)
strip jointстрип-клуб (4uzhoj)
strip jointстриптиз-бар (Anglophile)