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Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing In a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a bee in one's bonnetпомощь соседям
a bee in one's bonnetдействия скопом
a drop in the bucketпыль для моряка (Maggie)
A Feast in Time of PlagueПир во время чумы (Alexander Pushkin's Little Tragedies Val_Ships)
a license to engage in a practice ofлицензия на ведение деятельности (NY GENERAL BUSINESS LAW ARTICLE 27 Clint Ruin)
a man is the king in his houseхозяин − барин (Maggie)
a roll in the hayзанятие сексом (на стороне Val_Ships)
ask for a favor in returnпопросить об одолжении в ответ (на ранее оказанную услугу Val_Ships)
be in a bind, to dig oneself in deep or deeper into a hole, to be in trouble, to experience difficulties, to be up shit's creek slangв затруднении
be in a conferenceбыть на конференции (The person is on site, but unavailable due to a conference, 'I'll be here, but I'll be in a conference today from 3-4. Next week, I'll be at a conference in Paris'. Dasharik)
be in a league of (one's) ownбыть наилучшим (чем все остальные; She's always been in a league of her own. Val_Ships)
be in a meetingбыть на собрании (the person is on site, but unavailable due to a meeting, 'I'll be here, but I'll be in a meeting today from 3-4. Next week, I'll be at a meeting in Paris'. Dasharik)
be in a pissy moodбыть в скверном расположении духа (Taras)
be in a pissy moodбыть в плохом настроении (Taras)
be in a snitдуться (Anglophile)
be like two peas in a podводой не разлить (Maggie)
be off in a dream worldвитать в облаках (Val_Ships)
be with you in a minuteподождите минутку, кто-либо подойдёт к вам
born in a barnв хлеву родился
dig oneself in a holeбыть в затруднении (Maggie)
end up in a holeвылететь в трубу (Maggie)
end up in a holeпопасть впросак (Maggie)
every once in a whileнет-нет да и (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileэпизодически нет-нет да и (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileэпизодически (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileизредка (Val_Ships)
every once in a whileне так часто (Val_Ships)
get in a fistfightввязаться в драку (Val_Ships)
Get in a game of chickenвзять на понт (Aprilen)
get stuck in a rutвойти в привычную колею (Maggie)
go to Hades in a handbasketнакрыться медным тазом (Taras)
go to Hades in a handbasketполететь ко всем чертям (Taras)
go to Hades in a handbasketпойти ко всем чертям (var. of go to hell in a handbasket wikipedia.org Taras)
go to Hades in a handbasketполететь к чертям собачьим (Taras)
go to Hades in a handbasketпойти к чертям собачьим (Taras)
go to hell in a handbasket or handbagвылететь в трубу (Maggie)
have a brick in one's hatнапиться
have a brick in one's hatнаклюкаться
have a run-inпоругаться (with smb. – с кем-либо Taras)
have a run-inпоцапаться (with someone – с кем-либо Anglophile)
I'm just not really in a dating modeмне сейчас не до свиданий (Taras)
in a bad moodне в духе (Maggie)
in a bindв затруднении (Maggie)
in a blink of an eyeвмиг (There was a huge "boom" and in the blink of an eye the buildings were gone. Val_Ships)
in a blink of an eyeмоментально (extremely quickly Val_Ships)
in a blink of an eyeв одно мгновение (In the blink of an eye the handsome prince was transformed into an ugly frog. Val_Ships)
in a crude wayсозданный примитивным способом (constructed in a crude way Val_Ships)
in a crude wayпримитивным способом (Val_Ships)
be in a dazeв трансе (Maggie)
in a dilemmaмеж двух огней (Maggie)
in a flashтак, что не успеешь и глазом моргнуть (Val_Ships)
in a frenzyпод воздействием (эмоций, злости; In a frenzy of rage she hit him. Val_Ships)
in a heapв отрубе (Anglophile)
in a heapв кучу (Maggie)
in a heartbeatбез промедления (Just tell me that you need me and I'll come there in a heartbeat. Val_Ships)
in a heartbeatвмиг (Val_Ships)
in a holeв долгу
in a jiffмоментально / прямо сейчас (The clerk'll be with you in a jiff.)
in a jiffyочень скоро (Just wait, I'll be there in a jiffy. Val_Ships)
in a likely mannerаналогичным образом (Val_Ships)
in a pickleмеж двух огней (Maggie)
in a pickle, take the nickelне брезгуем, берем, что дают (implies pragmatically taking an imperfect option Taras)
in a pickle, take the nickelбез вариантов, хаваем, что дают (conveys grudging acceptance of the only available solution Taras)
in a pickle, take the nickelс миру по нитке – голому рубаха (highlights pooling small resources together to overcome a challenge Taras)
in a pickle, take the nickelхвататься за соломинку (implying that one will take any small chance when in a desperate situation Taras)
in a pickle, take the nickelловить каждую возможность (Taras)
in a pickle, take the nickelна безрыбье и рак рыба (the idiom implies accepting any available option, even if it's not ideal, when in a difficult situation Taras)
in a pickle, take the nickelна войне все средства хороши (the idiom implies taking any necessary action, even unconventional ones, to achieve victory Taras)
in a pig's eyeкогда рак свистнет
in a pig's eyeни в коем случае
in a predicamentмеж двух огней (Maggie)
in a secluded placeв уединённом месте (Alex_Odeychuk)
in a short whileв скором времени (вскоре Alex_Odeychuk)
in a short whileвскоре (see you in a short while Val_Ships)
in a wayв какой-то мере (I like the new styles, in a way. Val_Ships)
in a whileспустя некоторое время (It seems noisy at first, but after a while you get used to it. Val_Ships)
in a wordесли проще (In a word, the play flopped. Val_Ships)
in less than a pig's whistleмоментально
in less than a pig's whistleв два счёта
like a jack in the boxпоявиться внезапно (как гром среди ясного неба; idiom Val_Ships)
like a needle in a haystackкак иголка в стоге сена (a figure of speech used to refer to something that is difficult to locate in a much larger space Val_Ships)
live in a cocoonжить в изоляции (как в коконе; figure of speech Val_Ships)
look like a deer in the headlightsзастыть на месте (от удивления, страха, неожиданности VPK)
make a quick stop in the bathroomсходить в туалет (Val_Ships)
never in a thousand years!никогда!
never in a thousand years!нет!
not in a thousand years!никогда!
not in a thousand years!нет!
once in a whileне так часто (Val_Ships)
once in a whileпорой (Val_Ships)
once in a whileнечасто (Once in a while I enjoy going fishing. Val_Ships)
play a part inпривносить (s in ""numerous factors play a part in job satisfaction" Val_Ships)
put a bug in someone's earнамекать (Taras)
put a bug in someone's earнамекнуть (Put a bug in her ear about... Taras)
put a bug in someone's earшепнуть (Taras)
put a crimp inпомешать (чему-либо: An emergency put a crimp in my plans and forced me to return home early. Val_Ships)
put a crimp inнарушить (действие, процесс Val_Ships)
put a crimp inповлиять на (as in "put a crimp in his plans"; что-либо Val_Ships)
put a good word in forхлопотать (someone); colloquial expression Maggie)
put in a lot of work and careвозиться (Maggie)
put in a plugзамолвить словечко (for someone Anglophile)
put something in a win columnзачесть (Nibiru)
put something in a win columnсчитать выполненным (Nibiru)
put something in a win columnсчитать плюсом (The Whole Ten Yards Nibiru)
say in a roundabout wayговорить намёками (speak indirectly or use circumlocution Val_Ships)
say in a roundabout wayговорить иносказательно (What did she mean? Why did she say it in a roundabout way? Val_Ships)
say in a roundabout wayговорить вокруг да около (Why don't you say what you mean? Why do you always say something in a roundabout way? Val_Ships)
throw a party in the countrysideорганизовать пикник за городом (Val_Ships)
throw a wrench in the worksмешать (Bullfinch)
throw a wrench in the worksсрывать планы (I'm trying to plan a birthday party for my husband, but his busy schedule is throwing a wrench in the works. Bullfinch)
throw a wrench in the worksчинить препятствия (Bullfinch)
two peas in a podпохожие друг на друга (two of a kind: We were two peas in a pod – we liked all the same things, and we did everything together. Val_Ships)
two peas in a podпод стать (один другому Val_Ships)
two peas in a podдва сапога пара (Val_Ships)
two peas in a podодного поля ягода (Val_Ships)
visionary [as in "a visionary and an activist"проповедник (Maggie)
walk a mile in my shoesпредставь себя на моём месте, try to be me (Nikell)
wear a brick in one's hatнаклюкаться (Bobrovska)
wear a brick in one's hatнапиться пьяным (Bobrovska)
with you in a minuteподождите минутку, кто-либо подойдёт к вам
Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroniЯнки Дудл воткнул в шляпу перо и сказал, что это очень модно (из известной песенки "Янки Дудл")
you are in for a rude awakeningты об этом сильно пожалеешь (Sebastijana)
you are like a pain in the assты мне как вилка в заднице (Yeldar Azanbayev)
you are like a pain in the buttты мне как вилка в заднице (Yeldar Azanbayev)