
Terms for subject Scottish usage containing In | all forms | exact matches only
in coreв компании (преим. употр. в Шотландии; core – компания; syn.: company Taras)
in coreсовместно (Taras)
in the wee hoursранним утром (The event in question, which would soon become a full blown phenomenon, began in the wee hours of New Year's Day, 1970, and involved a group of Canadian nurses who would bear witness to a peculiar craft and a pair of bizarre beings that would forever alter the course of their lives. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
let that flea stick in the wallхватит говорить на эту тему
muscle in on somethingразрушить чьи-либо связи (КГА)
muscle in on somethingзахватить чей-либо бизнес (to force a way into someone's business or other relationships in order to control them КГА)