
Terms for subject Historical containing INTO | all forms | exact matches only
a glimpse into Byzantiumотблеск Византии (Alex_Odeychuk)
absorption into the parent companyприсоединение к материнской компании (англ. перевод предложен пользователем NC1 Forum_Saver)
be driven off into captivityбыть угнанным в неволю (Alex_Odeychuk)
be inducted into the Red Armyвступить в ряды Красной Армии (Alex_Odeychuk)
be inducted into the Soviet Armyвступить в ряды Советской Армии (e.g., ... at the rank of lieutenant – ... в звании лейтенанта Alex_Odeychuk)
be sold into slaveryбыть проданным в рабство
be thrown into conventsбыть сосланным в монастырь (Alex_Odeychuk)
be traced into the 18th centuryуходить корнями в XVIII век (financial-engineer)
cut the body of a person into quartersчетвертоваться (as a way of execution)
cut the body of a person into quarters as a way of executionчетвертовать (impf and pf)
cut the body of a person into quartersчетвертовать (as a way of execution)
darted into his mindстремглав завладели его мыслями (Сынковский)
division into apanage principalitiesудельничество (= удельность)
division into apanage principalitiesудельность
enter into a state of decline and stagnationвступить в период упадка и застоя (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
enter into a tributary arrangementвступить в даннические отношения (with ... – c ... Alex_Odeychuk)
enter into allegianceвступить в подданство (In particular, the paper examines the attempted use in the 1860 case of Regina v Peter of the legal demurrer that the accused Aboriginal man was not subject to the jurisdiction of the court because he was not born a British subject and had never entered into allegiance to the British Queen – by David Cahir and Ian Clark Tamerlane)
have fallen into disreputeвпасть в опалу (Alex_Odeychuk)
have sold into slaveryпродать в рабство (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
put contemporary events into historical contextпомещать современные события в исторический контекст (Los Angeles Times Alex_Odeychuk)
reach back into historyуглубляться в историю (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
receive into allegianceпринимать в подданство (There was indeed this distinction, that if a native Irishman had made legal submission, and had been received into English allegiance, he could no longer be murdered with impunity, for his murder was punishable by a small pecuniary fine: a punishment, not for the moral crime of murdering a man, but for the social injury of depriving the State of a servant – by Daniel O'Connell Tamerlane)
reduce into slaveryобращать в рабство (Alex_Odeychuk)
report into anti-Semitism in the partyдоклад об антисемитизме в партии (Financial Times Alex_Odeychuk)
sell into slaveryпродать в рабство (Alex_Odeychuk)
step into political immortalityнавсегда войти в политическую историю (BBC News, USA Alex_Odeychuk)
throw a last handful of soul according the Orthodox tradition into the graveбросить в могилу горсть земли по православному обычаю (Alex_Odeychuk)
turn into a completely different countryстать совсем другой страной (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
turn into an highway robberстать разбойником с большой дороги (Alex_Odeychuk)