
Terms for subject Photography containing IMAGE | all forms | exact matches only
capture an imageсфотографировать (Although the photographer captured several images of the enormous waves being generated by the wild weather, one particular picture stood out among the rest. In the photo, Rivrin marveled, "I saw the incredible image of Poseidon with his crown, coming out of the ocean with his face in the wave." Indeed the jaw-dropping picture does appear to provide a brief glimpse of the Greek god of the sea's visage as he demonstrates his enormous power over nature. – сделал несколько снимков coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
capture an imageсделать снимок (This image was captured at 2:15 a.m. – снимок был сделан • Although the photographer captured several images of the enormous waves being generated by the wild weather, one particular picture stood out among the rest. Indeed the jaw-dropping picture does appear to provide a brief glimpse of the Greek god of the sea's visage as he demonstrates his enormous power over nature. – сделал несколько снимков coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
clear imageчёткий снимок (Capturing a clear image on a kayak is also a struggle, so the photographer leans his body far out across the kayak to gain stability. vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
clear imageчёткая фотография (Capturing a clear image on a kayak is also a struggle, so the photographer leans his body far out across the kayak to gain stability. vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
combining imagesкомбинирование изображений (kefiring)
desaturated imageненасыщенное изображение (Andy)
digital image stabilizationцифровая стабилизация изображения (rish)
geo-tag an imageдобавлять геометку (Халеев)
geo-tag an imageдобавлять геометку к фото (Халеев)
grainy imageзернистое изображение (Post Scriptum)
graphic imageфотография (Alex_Odeychuk)
image adjustment toolsинструменты коррекции изображений (напр., в Photoshop kefiring)
image adjustment toolsинструменты коррекции изображения (kefiring)
image assemblyмонтаж изображения (MichaelBurov)
image assemblyсборка изображения (MichaelBurov)
Image Averagingусреднение изображения (Renaissance)
image capturingзахват изображения (Ying)
image circleполе изображения (объектива Strider2038)
image circleкруг изображения (рисуемый объективом на плоскости фотоматериала gumar)
image clarityясность изображения (su)
image descriptionоптический рисунок (объектива Strider2038)
image playпросмотр снимков (rish)
image processing circuitryсхемное решение обработки изображений (WiseSnake)
image processing engineпроцессор для обработки изображений (Wikipedia: The image processing engine, or image processor, is an important component of a digital camera. linkin64)
image ratioпропорции изображения
image sensorматрица (Elina Semykina)
image sensorсветочувствительная матрица (L-sa)
Image sensor sizeразмер матрицы (linkin64)
image sharpeningповышение контурной резкости снимка (Alex_Odeychuk)
image sizeразмер снимка (Alex_Odeychuk)
image transfer by diffusionдиффузионный перенос
latent imageскрытое латентное изображение
nude imageфото в обнажённом виде (A trend that appears to have started in Vancouver, B.C., involves Iranian women sharing nude images as an expression of their happiness. One user on X (formerly Twitter) posted, “If he has died, I will share my nude image,” receiving more than five million views. Following the confirmation of Raisi’s death, many women followed the trend. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
nude imageфотография обнажённого тела (A trend that appears to have started in Vancouver, B.C., involves Iranian women sharing nude images as an expression of their happiness. One user on X (formerly Twitter) posted, “If he has died, I will share my nude image,” receiving more than five million views. Following the confirmation of Raisi’s death, many women followed the trend. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
optical image stabilizerоптический стабилизатор изображения (zabic)
saturated imageнасыщенное изображение (Andy)
slurred imageнечёткое изображение (MichaelBurov)
slurred imageнерезкое изображение (MichaelBurov)
slurred imageсмазанное изображение (MichaelBurov)
staged imageпостановочная фотография (z484z)
stored imageсохранённое изображение (dolmetscherr)
take an imageсделать снимок (A British tourist recently snapped a photo of a peculiar anomaly emerging from the water of Loch Ness and, in turn, has been credited with the first official sighting of the site's famed monster for 2024. The intriguing image, seen below, was reportedly taken by Parry Malm on April 4th as he and his family were vacationing at the popular Scottish location. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
take an imageсделать фото (A British tourist recently snapped a photo of a peculiar anomaly emerging from the water of Loch Ness and, in turn, has been credited with the first official sighting of the site's famed monster for 2024. The intriguing image, seen below, was reportedly taken by Parry Malm on April 4th as he and his family were vacationing at the popular Scottish location. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
wedding imageсвадебная фотография (Andrey Truhachev)
wide-angle imageширокоугольное изображение (financial-engineer)