
Terms for subject General containing I feel good | all forms | in specified order only
I don't feel goodмне плохо (bookworm)
I don't feel so goodмне дурно (Bartek2001)
I don't feel so goodКажется, я заболеваю (Bartek2001)
I don't feel so goodмне плохо (Bartek2001)
I don't feel so goodчто-то мне поплохело
I don't feel so goodчто-то мне нехорошо
I don't feel so goodКажись, приболел (Bartek2001)
I feel goodмне хорошо (Andrey Truhachev)
I trust that you will soon feel betterя полагаю, что вы вскоре почувствуете себя лучше ((that) you're in good health, (that) your father is all right, (that) you will be successful, that he is not hurt, etc., и т.д.)
I trust that you will soon feel betterя надеюсь, что вы вскоре почувствуете себя лучше ((that) you're in good health, (that) your father is all right, (that) you will be successful, that he is not hurt, etc., и т.д.)