
Terms for subject Figurative containing High Ground | all forms | in specified order only
find a place high above the groundвзгнездиться
high groundпреимущество (in a figurative sense, "high ground" refers to a position of advantage, superiority, or moral authority in a given situation or context. It can imply having a better perspective, a clearer understanding, or a more advantageous position than others involved in the same situation. For example, a person who takes the "high ground" in a disagreement or conflict might choose to remain calm, respectful, and rational, even when provoked or attacked. This approach can help them maintain their dignity and credibility, while also demonstrating their commitment to finding a fair and peaceful resolution to the situation. In politics or business, "high ground" can refer to a position of ethical or strategic advantage that allows one to gain leverage over their opponents or competitors. This might involve taking a principled stand on an issue, or positioning oneself as an expert or thought leader in a particular field. Overall, taking the "high ground" in a figurative sense means acting with integrity, wisdom, and compassion, and striving to do what is right and just, even in the face of opposition or adversity: You have the high ground Taras)
high groundпревосходство (Taras)
high groundморальный авторитет (Taras)