
Terms for subject Religion containing Hi | all forms | exact matches only
Anthony HI StuditeАнтоний III Студит (Greek Orthodox monk and patriarch of Constantinople, 974-979, who advocated the church's independence from the state)
Beatty Biblical Papyrus HIПапирус III из собрания Честера Битти (One from the late 3rd century, containing Rev. 9:10- 17:2. It is the oldest, but not the best, text of Revelation)
Benedict HIБенедикт III (Pope from 855 to 858 who was chosen as successor to Leo IV in July 855. He reprimanded the Frankish bishops, whose inaction he blamed as the source of misery in their empire. Benedict also was responsible for the repair of Roman churches damaged by the Saracens in 846)
Celestine HIЦелестин III (Pope from 1191 to 1198 whose pontificate was overshadowed by the spectacular successes of King Henry VI of Germany crowned as Holy Roman emperor who failed to restore the full extent of the Papal States to Celestine)
Clement HIКлимент III (Pope from 1187 to 1191. He released the Scottish Church from the jurisdiction of the English see of York, and the church became directly dependent on Rome)
Julius HIЮлий III (Pope from 1550 to 1555. His patronage of Renaissance thought led him to reform the Roman University, to build the Church of St. Andrew in Rome, and to appoint Palestrina choirmaster of St. Peter's, with Michelangelo as the church's principal architect)
Victor HI Pope from 1086 to 1087. On May 24, 1086, the cardinals proclaimed him Pope against his will, but before his consecration was completed, he was driven from Rome by supporters of the Holy Roman emperor Henry IV, who had set up the antipope Clement III in 1084Виктор III