
Terms for subject Religion containing Greatest | all forms | exact matches only
Allah is greatАллах велик (mail.ru Andrey Truhachev)
Allah is greatАллах всемогущ (academic.ru Andrey Truhachev)
church of St. Barbara the Great Martyrхрам Варвары Великомученицы (dariamos)
Five Great Kings In Tibetan Buddhism, a group of five deified heroes popularly worshiped as protection against enemiesПять великих царей-защитников
Five Great VowsПять великих обетов (In Jainism, renunciation of killing, of speaking untruths, of greed, of sexual pleasure, and of all attachments to living beings and nonliving things, as attributed to Mahavira)
God is great.Бог велик. (browser)
Great AcaphistusВеликий акафист (A long hymn to the Virgin, sung in the 5th week of Lent)
great accountсудный день
great and awesomeвеликий и славный
great assizeСтрашный суд
Great BibleБольшая Библия (Published in 1539 as an authorized Bible, being a revision by Coverdale substantially based on Matthew's Bible)
great day of judgmentСтрашный суд
Great DionysiaДионисии
great entranceвеликий вход
great fastВеликий пост
Great FloodВсемирный потоп (wikipedia.org Ducho2010)
Great FridayВеликая Пятница
Great HallelБольшой Галель
Great HallelБольшой Галлель (The Jewish name given to Psalm 136 and sometimes to Psalms 120-136)
great high priestвеликий Первосвященник
great last, general, solemn inquestсудный день
great Islamic scholarкрупный исламский теолог (Alex_Odeychuk)
Great KanonВеликий канон (A cycle by Andrew of Crete comprising 250 troparions that narrate the entire Old Testament and New Testament)
Great LentВеликий пост (rite of the Eastern Orthodox Church, including Western Rite Orthodoxy MichaelBurov)
great Litanyвеликая Ектения
great martyrвеликомученик
great martyressвеликомученица
Great MondayВеликий Понедельник
Great Mosque of Damascus The earliest surviving stone mosque, built between AD 705 and 715 on the site of a 1st-century Hellenic temple to Jupiter and of a later church of St. John the BaptistБольшая дамасская мечеть (Raz_Sv)
Great Mother of the GodsВеликая матерь богов (Ancient Oriental and Greco-Roman deity)
great Muslim scholarкрупный исламский теолог (Alex_Odeychuk)
Great O's of AdventСемь великих антифонов
Great ProphetsИеремия
Great ProphetsДаниил
Great ProphetsИезекииль
Great ProphetsИсайя
Great SchismВеликий Раскол (1378-1417, Schism of the Western church, between the popes of Rome and Avignon)
Great SealМахамудра (chajnik)
great sinтяжкий грех
Great SphinxВеликий Сфинкс (Carved out of a knoll of rock, it has the facial features of King Khafre but the body of a recumbent lion)
Great StupaСтупа N 1
Great StupaСтупа I
Great TuesdayВеликий Вторник
Great WednesdayВеликая Среда
great white throneвеликий белый престол (И увидел я великий белый престол и Сидящего на нем, от лица Которого бежало небо и земля, и не нашлось им места. (Откр. 20:11) aspss)
great works of Hadith literatureкрупнейшие произведения хадисной литературы (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
greater priesthoodвысшее священство
Gregory the GreatГригорий Великий (540-604; an architect of the medieval papacy, reigned 590-604, a notable theologian who was also an administrative, social, liturgical, and moral reformer; feast day March 12 wikipedia.org)
Gregory the GreatГригорий I
have a great amount of zealotryвпасть в глубокий фанатизм (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
have the greatest faithсвято верить (in ... – в ... Alex_Odeychuk)
Herod I the GreatИрод Великий (Roman-appointed king of Judaea, 37-4 ВС)
Isaac the GreatИсаак Великий (Celebrated catholicos of the Armenian Apostolic Church, principal advocate of Armenian cultural and ecclesiastical independence)
Leo the GreatЛев I Великий
Liturgy of Saint Gregory the GreatЛитургия святителя Григория Великого (литургия Григория Двоеслова)
Nicholas the GreatПапа Римский Николай I Великий
pearl of great priceдрагоценная жемчужина
Pearl of Great PriceМногоценная Жемчужина (Smith's prophesies together with his translation of Egyptian papyri)
season of the great fastвеликопостный период
St. Basil the GreatСв. Василий Великий
the great accountсудный день
the Holy Great Prince Vladimir, Equal of the Apostlesсвятой равноапостольный князь Владимир
three great saints of Irelandтрое святых, наиболее почитаемых в Ирландии (St. Patrick, St. Columba, and St. Bridget)
win the great and life-giving Grace of Godстяжать великую и животворящую Благодать Божию (Andrey Truhachev)