
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing GONE | all forms | exact matches only
a big thank you goes out to sb.огромная благодарность кому-л. (ART Vancouver)
as we go alongв дальнейшем (At the moment this feels like the right fit for our family, but we will continue to re-evaluate as we go along. ART Vancouver)
everything has gone pear shapedвсё пошло наперекосяк
go about itдействовать (We support the goal of ending speculation in the real estate market, but are not sure the government is going about it the right way. – не уверены, что власти действуют правильно в этом направлении ART Vancouver)
go deeper into this topicуглубляться в эту тему (I don't want go deeper into this topic right now. -- Я не хочу сейчас в эту тему углубляться. ART Vancouver)
go for perfectionстремиться к достижению идеала (A 1971 review by Roger Ebert was favourable: "The stories are told simply and directly and with a certain almost clumsy charm. Instead of going for perfection in the dancing, the Royal Ballet dancers have gone for characterizations instead. The various animals have their quirks and eccentricities, and they are fairly authentic: The frog dances like a frog, for example, and not like Nureyev." (Wikipedia) ART Vancouver)
go for perfectionдобиваться совершенства (A 1971 review by Roger Ebert was favourable: "The stories are told simply and directly and with a certain almost clumsy charm. Instead of going for perfection in the dancing, the Royal Ballet dancers have gone for characterizations instead. The various animals have their quirks and eccentricities, and they are fairly authentic: The frog dances like a frog, for example, and not like Nureyev." (Wikipedia) ART Vancouver)
go grocery shoppingходить за продуктами (Once a week I go grocery shopping at our local Fresh Foods store in Greenwood. I must say, the staff and management have been great. Some products are limited, but no panic over here. -- хожу за продуктами ART Vancouver)
go grocery shoppingсъездить за продуктами (ART Vancouver)
go grocery shoppingездить за продуктами (We go grocery shopping on Saturdays. -- мы ездим за продуктами ART Vancouver)
go on the rampageгромить (A gang of teens went on the rampage at the mall and there wasn't a police officer in sight. – стали громить ART Vancouver)
go out on a journeyотправиться в путешествие (History is full of intrepid individuals who went out on a journey, never to return. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
go publicсделать достоянием гласности (with sth. / about sth.: Grusch, who has reported that he was made aware of the US Government's recovery of alien bodies and spacecraft, is the victim of the government's obstruction of attempts to learn the truth, as well as retaliation for going public with this knowledge, argued Sanchez. -- сделал достоянием гласности / обнародовал эти сведения • He told Knapp he hoped going public about his own abduction experiences would encourage other scientists who had seen UFOs or been abducted to come forward, and those who hadn’t to look at these experiences objectively. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
go so far asдойти до того, что (+ infinitive: However, Lepick's attempt at damage control backfired spectacularly as the story spread like wildfire, several prominent politicians lambasted him for destroying what is perceived to be a priceless piece of the country's heritage, and one media outlet went so far as to call him "the most hated man in France." -- а одно агентство новостей дошло до того, что назвало его coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
go the extra mileсделать всё необходимое для достижения цели
has long goneдавно уже нет (также широко применяется форма is long gone: One of the best-known estates the HDB built is Marine Parade, named after a seaside promenade that has long gone. bloomberg.com ART Vancouver)
have a long way to goещё далеко (The prices have come down a bit but they have a long way to go before the average Canadian can afford to buy a single-family home in this city. • We still have a long way to go before everyone in our office knows what to do in the event of an earthquake. – Нам ещё далеко до того, когда ... ART Vancouver)
here today and gone tomorrowнынче тут, а завтра – там (igisheva)
here today and gone tomorrowсегодня тут, а завтра – там (igisheva)
here today and gone tomorrowнынче тут, а завтра – там (igisheva)
here today and gone tomorrowсегодня тут, а завтра – там (igisheva)
here today and gone tomorrowсегодня здесь, а завтра – там (igisheva)
here today and gone tomorrowнынче здесь, а завтра – там (igisheva)
here today and gone tomorrowсегодня здесь, а завтра – там (igisheva)
here today and gone tomorrowнынче здесь, а завтра – там (igisheva)
here we goвнимание (Now we're going to announce the grand prize winner... Here we go... And the winner is -- Keith from Langley. ART Vancouver)
how's it going?привет! (Это приветствие не несёт в себе особого смысла и не требует настоящего ответа. Поэтому часто в ответ от носителя английского языка звучит такое же или похожее приветствие. Однако вежливые люди всё же стараются ответить одним-двумя словами. В зависимости от настроения говорят что-то вроде: great (отлично), good (хорошо), fine (нормально), can't complain (грех жаловаться), could be worse (бывало и хуже), could be better (бывало и лучше). Для дополнительной вежливости, в конец ответа на приветствие могут добавить вопрос: Great, and you? Good, you? Alex_Odeychuk)
if sth. is anything to go byесли судить по (An early and dramatic UFO landing took place in October 1952, a country seemingly much favoured by UFOs in the 1950s, if the quantity of sighting reports is anything to go by. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- если судить по количеству  ART Vancouver)
is going to get sb. into a lot of troubleдо добра не доведёт (ART Vancouver)
it goes without sayingпонятно, что (The subtext is as unmissable as a skyscraper: Indigenous culture and urban life—let alone urban development—don’t mix. In 2022, city councillor Colleen Hardwick said of that project, “How do you reconcile Indigenous ways of being with 18-storey high-rises?” (Hardwick, it goes without saying, is not Indigenous.) (macleans.ca) ART Vancouver)
it's gone for goodс концами (Once it's gone, it's gone for good. • Now, I only use cash, so I don't need a bank account. If it is stolen, it's gone. I will never own a house or rent an apartment, so I don't need credit. businessinsider.com ART Vancouver)
it's gone for goodуже не вернёшь (Once it's gone, it's gone for good. ART Vancouver)
it's got a long way to goдо этого ещё далеко ("Well, we'll see what happens. It's got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go." – До этого ещё очень далеко. – Donald Trump in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes." ART Vancouver)
keep goingподдерживать (на том же уровне: Exercising routine can become too much after a few weeks, so how do you keep motivation going? -- поддерживать мотиващию ART Vancouver)
keep it going!продолжайте в том же духе! (ART Vancouver)
let it goне обострять (I know it hurts but I would let it go. – Я бы не обострял. ART Vancouver)
my thanks go out toя благодарен (My thanks go out to the RCMP, the emergency responders for their assistance, the bus rider who called 911, the drivers who stopped to see if I was okay and the couple who found the car involved and photographed the licence plate. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
not go far enoughне достигать своей цели (The policy, as it is right now, does not go far enough. Stronger monitoring is needed to keep children from accessing drugs prescribed to adults. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
the same goes forто же самое относится к (the часто опускается: Snow for Regina, the same goes for Winnipeg and Saskatoon. • The red dots are just there to help keep things organised. Same goes for the yellow markers to the left of the columns. ART Vancouver)
the story goes thatсогласно преданию (The story goes that Sir Gawain, one of King Arthur’s knights of the round table was challenged to a fight by a Knight all dressed in green including his horse. The Green knight invited Sir Gawain to take a swing at him with his sword, this resulted in the Green knight losing his head, which he then promptly picked up off the floor, he then issued a request for Sir Gawain to meet him in a year and a day at the Green Chapel ... (ludchurchmyblog.wordpress.com/the-green-chapel) • The story goes that Roland – a knight of French lore – was gifted the 'indestructible' sword – said to be capable of slicing boulders in half – by the emperor Charlemagne who had taken it from an angel. (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
there you goну, вот видите (commenting on an earlier statement / fact / news ART Vancouver)
there's going to beбудет ('There's going to be a memorial service on Tuesday, right here in Houston. The President will be there, he's going to speak. I would like you to be there.' (Capricorn One, 1978) -- Во вторник будет / состоится ART Vancouver)
there's still a long way to goещё рано праздновать (The app just hit its 10,000 check-in, but Falco knows there's still a long way to go. ART Vancouver)
this just goes to showвот наглядное доказательство (This just goes to show you: start monkeying around with an institution that people are perfectly happy with, and you may end up with something horrible and expensive. • This just goes to show how really far from reality our left-wing politicians have travelled. ART Vancouver)
we will see how it goesпосмотрим, как будут развиваться события (We just bought a new weed killer. We will try it for a bit and see how it goes. ART Vancouver)
went on to say thatдалее заявил, что (In the interview, the retired general who is now an esteemed professor told a reporter that the United States and Israel have been in contact with ETs for quite some time. Eshed went on to say that "there is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here." Part of that unsettling pact, he said, includes a secret underground base on Mars which is staffed by a team of ETs and Americans. • He went on to say under questioning that he had knowledge of "people who have been harmed or injured" as part of government efforts to conceal information on UFOs, and that he had feared for his life as a result. -- Отвечая на вопросы, далее он заявил, что ... coasttocoastam.com, singularfortean.com ART Vancouver)
went wellпрошло хорошо (I hope your dental appointment went well. ART Vancouver)
what's the best way to go about it?как это лучше сделать? (ART Vancouver)