
Terms for subject Stock Exchange containing Factor | all forms | exact matches only
beta factorбета-фактор (применяется для измерения рискованности ценной бумаги (the riskiness of the security). Beta is the ratio of the volatility of the stock to the volatility of the market times the correlation with the market. A stock can be high beta by being volatile or by being highly correlated to the market. Note that the correlation and volatilities are on returns not prices. It is not risk as you are likely to think of it. Beta is an indication of the risk that can’t be diversified away by holding the market portfolio. Beforeyouaccuseme)
dividend factorроль дивидендов (dimock)
factor attributeфакторный атрибут (dimock)
factor betaбета -фактор (dimock)
factor of fiveкоэффициент пятёрки (dimock)
factor riskфакторный риск (dimock)
factor risk premiumпремия за факторный риск (dimock)
factor sensitivityфакторная чувствительность (dimock)
leverage factorкоэффициент использования заёмных средств (igisheva)
sector-factorсектор-фактор (dimock)
sector-factor modelсекторно-факторная модель (dimock)
sector-factor modelотраслевая факторная модель (dimock)
tangible factorосязаемый фактор (dimock)