
Terms for subject Mathematics containing Earth’s | all forms | in specified order only
Earth's atmosphereатмосфера земли
Earth's surfaceиспаряться с поверхности
it is possible now to study the Earth's surface on a scale never before possibleв масштабах
the Earth's crustлитосфера земли твёрдая (литосфера планеты; the planet's crust)
the Earth's crustлитосфера земли твёрдая (the planet's crust; литосфера планеты)
the Earth's crustтвёрдая литосфера Земли
the Earth's escape velocityскорость отрыва от Земли
the Earth's gravitational fieldполе притяжения Земли
the Earth's inner coreвнутреннее ядро Земли
the methane particles were found to diffuse gradually through the Earth's surfaceрассеиваться
the transfer of liquid hydrogen from the Earth's surface to orbit would be more difficult thanбыло бы
the transfer of liquid hydrogen from the Earth's surface to orbit would be more difficult thanперенос