
Terms containing Dashboard Designer | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
comp., MSDashboard Designerконструктор панели мониторинга (A client application that you use to create and manage dashboards, scorecards, reports, and other PerformancePoint items prior to deploying them within a dashboard to a SharePoint site)
comp., MSdashboard designerконструктор панели мониторинга (A client application that you use to create and manage dashboards, scorecards, reports, and other PerformancePoint items prior to deploying them within a dashboard to a SharePoint site. Rori)
comp., MSDashboard Designer Installation Siteточка распространения конструктора панели мониторинга (A Monitoring Server component that facilitates the download of Dashboard Designer into each users computer. Rori)
comp., MSPerformancePoint Dashboard Designerконструктор панели мониторинга PerformancePoint (A client application that you use to create and manage dashboards, scorecards, reports, and other PerformancePoint items prior to deploying them within a dashboard to a SharePoint site)