
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing D& I | all forms | in specified order only
at this point I'd like toздесь я хотел бы (возразить, напомнить и т.д.; ...)
how would I ever manage without you?что бы я без тебя делал? (Юрий Гомон)
how would I manage without you?что бы я без тебя делал? (Юрий Гомон)
I thought I'd + verbя решил (Want a donut? Here, I thought I'd buy an extra one for you, it's got raspberry filling in it. • Because it's a stormy, rainy night and we've just lost power in the entire neighbourhood, I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite ghost and horror stories. ART Vancouver)
I will bet you sth.спорим на что-л. (I will bet you a cheeseburger! But if you win I will buy it tomorrow, okay? ART Vancouver)
I wish all ... would be as ... about their work.если бы все ... так ... относились к своей работе (I wish all young researchers would be as thorough and objective about their work as John. ART Vancouver)
I would sayпо-моему (I would say, at the end of the day, just love your child. Nothing else matters. ART Vancouver)
I'd rather notне хочется (+ verb: "... Want to see?" "I'd rather not look, thanks". – Спасибо, что-то не хочется на такое смотреть. ART Vancouver)
I'd tell myselfговорил я себе (при передаче косвенной речи: You are so petty, I'd tell myself, with your sparkling surfaces and White Company candles, these people have lost so much. – Ты такая придирчивая, говорила я себе dailymail.co.uk ART Vancouver)
I'll be on my way nowну, я пошёл (прощаясь: Okay, I'll be on my way now. -- Ну ладно, я пошёл. ART Vancouver)
I'll be right back with thatсейчас принесу (ART Vancouver)
I'll do just thisя так и сделаю ("You should ask around the Fishermen's Wharf (foot of West 1st Ave)." "Thanks a lot, I’ll do just this." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
I'll see you then!Ну, до встречи! (after agreeing on a time of meeting ART Vancouver)
well, I'll be getting alongну, я пошёл (ART Vancouver)
what I would giveя отдал бы всё, что угодно, чтобы (+ infinitive: What I would give to escape reality right now and be down on the Oregon Coast watching the waves crash along the Shore again... I could watch this for hours and never get bored. The angrier the Ocean, the calmer it makes me feel... (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
what would I do without you?что бы я без тебя делал? (Юрий Гомон)
wish I'd knownжаль, что я не знал ("Wish I'd known as I have never seen it." "I can recommend the NASA Spot The Station app. You won’t miss any visible passes." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yoursпомочь друг другу (Interex)
you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yoursсделать друг другу одолжение (Interex)