
Terms for subject Nuclear and fusion power containing Cross Section | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
absolute cross sectionабсолютное поперечное сечение (Voledemar)
across the cross-sectionпо всему поперечному сечению (Iryna_mudra)
capture cross-sectionсечение захвата нейтронов (MichaelBurov)
cross section libraryбиблиотека сечений (Voledemar)
effective removal cross sectionэффективное сечение увода (Effective removal cross-section, ∑R (cm2/g) is a measure of the probability that fast or fission energy neutron undergoes a first collision, which removes it from the group of the penetrative uncollided neutrons (Kaplan, 1989). VKAznabaev)
effective removal cross sectionэффективное сечение выведения (Effective removal cross-section, ∑R (cm2/g) is a measure of the probability that fast or fission energy neutron undergoes a first collision, which removes it from the group of the penetrative uncollided neutrons (Kaplan, 1989). VKAznabaev)
finite cross section beamпучок с конечным поперечным сечением
group removal cross-sectionгрупповое сечение увода (Митрошин)
neutron capture cross-sectionсечение захвата нейтронов (MichaelBurov)
neutron cross section libraryбиблиотека нейтронных сечений (Voledemar)
partial overlap of the flow cross sectionчастичное перекрытие проходного сечения (MichaelBurov)