
Terms for subject Real estate containing Costs | all forms | exact matches only
against running costпод оплату эксплуатационных расходов
cost of restoration or replacementстоимость замещения или стоимость воспроизводства (Alexander Demidov)
income, cost and market comparisonдоходный, затратный и сравнительный (Land Valuation Methods Equitable land valuation frequently calls for the assessor to make optimum use of a very limited database. Of the three approaches to value (income, cost and market comparison) the cost approach is virtually without use in land appraisal. Land rents can be very helpful when using an income approach, but are often dated and generally limited to commercial and agricultural lands. In case of residential land, only the market comparison approach is directly applicable, and its use is often limited by a shortage of vacant land sales. Hence, land valuation often requires the appraiser to examine available land sales information very carefully. Perhaps more than any other aspect of property valuation, accurate land appraisal relies heavily upon the judgment of the appraiser. Alexander Demidov)
income, cost and sale comparisonдоходный, затратный и сравнительный (In real estate appraisal, the cost approach is one of three basic valuation methods. The others are market, or sale comparison, and income. WK Alexander Demidov)
land costsинвестиционная стоимость участка (под застройку: Land costs in Burnaby are moderate compared to Vancouver. ART Vancouver)
land costsрыночная стоимость земли (под застройку: Land costs in Burnaby are moderate compared to Vancouver. • Condon’s response over the past two years has been to go largely quiet in these pages while writing ‘Broken City: Land Speculation, Inequality and Urban Crisis’, the academic, peer-reviewed book published this spring by UBC Press. Its basic thesis is that unfettered speculation, fuelled by global wealth looking for asset investments, drives Vancouver land costs up so high they erase savings that can be delivered by building many units on a parcel instead of a few. (thetyee.ca) ART Vancouver)
lease costsстоимость аренды помещения (Apart from the base rent, lease costs may also involve numerous incidentals. • "закрылись из-за сильно поднятой стоимости аренды помещений" ART Vancouver)
low-cost housingмассовая типовая застройка (Andrey Truhachev)
low-cost housingнедорогое жилищное
low-cost housingтиповая застройка (Andrey Truhachev)
operating costs of a commercial leaseстоимость аренды помещения (What are the operating costs of a commercial lease? Examples of valid operating costs include property taxes, property insurance, maintenance, utilities, landscaping (which includes snow removal), and garbage collection. • "закрылись из-за сильно поднятой стоимости аренды помещений" ART Vancouver)
opportunity cost of capitalразностная стоимость капитала (Попов; the cost (to an investor in terms of missing alternative opportunities) of not moving his money to a more attractive place Yakov F.)
opportunity cost of capitalвыгодная стоимость капитала (Yakov F.)
poor cost efficientlycлабая эффективность экономичности (aliaksak)
semi-fixed costsусловно-постоянные расходы (Costyashek)
semi-variable costsусловно-переменные расходы (Costyashek; semi-variable costs включают в себя компоненты обоих видов - постоянные и переменные затраты - как, например, счет за телефон, включающий и (постоянную) абонплату и (переменную) плату за сделанные звонки nikulyak)