
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Battery | all forms | exact matches only
backup batteryрезервный аккумулятор (An additional battery source available in Windows Mobile powered devices. It avoids data loss if the primary battery loses power)
battery backupрезервная батарея (A battery-operated power supply used as an auxiliary source of electricity in the event of a power failure)
battery chargeзарядка батареи
battery chargeзаряд батареи (The amount of battery power left on the system. It is shown, in percentage, if user holds the mouse over the battery icon)
battery-friendly maintenanceобслуживание при питании от сети (A feature that enables IT professionals to wake mobile systems for servicing by using a timer that activates only when the computer is plugged in. Using this feature, Windows runs maintenance only if the computer is using AC power)
battery levelуровень заряда батареи (Andy)
battery lifeуровень заряда (The time for which the cell(s) in a rechargeable battery can produce an electric current before the battery needs to be recharged)
battery lifeвремя работы батареи
battery lowнизкий заряд батареи (Andy)
battery lowбатарея разряжена (Andy)
battery saverэкономия заряда (A feature that allows a person to turn off some services on their phone to preserve the battery life of their phone)
battery statusсостояние батареи (ssn)
battery status changeизменение состояния батареи (ssn)
battery status change eventсобытие изменения состояния батареи (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)