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Terms for subject General containing A Tired | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a tired old dressпомятое из моды старое платье
get a little tiredнемного устать (Vladimir Shevchuk)
he is a bit tiredон немного устал
he is a little bit tiredон немного устал
I got a little tiredя немного устал (Vladimir Shevchuk)
it tired me not a little to stand for three hoursя очень устал, простояв три часа
like a tired butterflyкак сонная муха (Anglophile)
not a bit tiredсовсем не устал ("You want to sit down and rest?" "I'm not a bit tired. Let's keep going." ART Vancouver)
not a bit tiredнисколько не устал ("You want to sit down and rest?" "I'm not a bit tired. Let's keep going." ART Vancouver)
not a bit tiredничуть не устал ("You want to sit down and rest?" "I'm not a bit tired. Let's keep going." ART Vancouver)
there is nothing to touch a hot bath when you are tiredнет лучшего средства от усталости, чем горячая ванна
tire out a horseуезживать (by riding)
tire out a horseуезживаться (by riding)
tire out a horseуездиться (by riding)
tire out a horseуездить (by riding)