
Terms for subject Proverb containing A -law | all forms
a good lawyer knows the law, but a great lawyer knows the judgeхороший юрист знает право, выдающийся юрист знает судью (You need to focus on people. We know which lawyers win with which case types and which judges. We have found that the judge-attorney pairing is worth 30.7 percent of an outcome. That’s why we focus on discovering the attorneys that win. Winning matters! The only people that get uncomfortable about evaluating attorneys by wins are attorneys. Everyone else in the world agrees that they would want a lawyer that wins over one that does not. When attorneys try to tell us that winning isn’t important (that many times a beneficial settlement is a win for the client, that certain attorneys might take disproportionately harder cases, so their win rates might be a little low), we tell them that clients seem to like it. Judgments were scored for the plaintiff, dismissals for the defendants, but motions and other non-dispositive proceedings are also scored. Clients, of course, want to select an attorney on the basis of winning. But other users include insurers and re-insurers that can mitigate claims risk by hiring the right lawyers. Other users include law firms that want to do marketing, proving that their firm’s lawyers win more than others. Or even attorney recruitment, to identify lateral hires that win. Some firms want to select good local counsel that wins disproportionately more in front of a specific judge. Alex_Odeychuk)
a lawyer never goes to law himselfиз суда, что из пруда: сух не выйдешь никогда
a lawyer never goes to law himselfумный на суд не ходит, а глупый с суда не сходит
a lawyer never goes to law himselfиз суда-что из пруда: сух не выйдешь (дословно: Сам юрист никогда в суд не обращается (так как хорошо знает законы и пути, как их обойти))
a lawyer never goes to law himselfумный в суд не ходит (дословно: Сам юрист никогда в суд не обращается (так как хорошо знает законы и пути, как их обойти))
a lawyer never goes to law himselfиз суда-что из пруда : сух не выйдешь (букв. – сам юрист никогда в суд не обращается)
every law has a loopholeзакон – что дышло: куда повернёшь – туда и вышло