
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Full | all forms | exact matches only
full-height numberसंपूर्ण-ऊँचाई की संख्या (A number represented in a style where all numeric glyphs are the same height and position and do not extend below the baseline)
full loggingपूर्ण लॉगिंग (A type of logging available to capture information about mailbox searches that includes information about all results that meet the search criteria)
full-range speakerपूर्ण-क्षमता स्पीकर (A speaker that is able to reproduce the widest sound spectrum possible within the entire audible range (20Hz to 20kHz))
full-screen modeपूर्ण-स्क्रीन मोड (A display mode that shows as much content as possible by hiding elements such as navigation and toolbars)
full-screen programपूर्ण-स्क्रीन प्रोग्राम (A program that displays in the entire computer screen)
full serverपूर्ण सर्वर (A single physical or virtual server that contains all the server roles)
full-text indexपूर्ण-पाठ अनुक्रमणिका (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
full-text search indexपूर्ण-पाठ खोज अनुक्रमणिका (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
full versionपूर्ण संस्‍करण (A software package that includes all features and does not require a previous version of the relevant software to be installed on the user's computer)
full volume encryptionपूर्ण वॉल्युम एनक्रिप्शन (The process of converting volumes into a coded form so they cannot be read without first authenticating to Windows; or, if on different hardware, without an escrowed recovery key)
Show Full Screen Videoपूर्ण स्क्रीन वीडियो दिखायें (The button in a Video conversation window that displays the current video conversation in full-screen mode)