
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing with | all forms | exact matches only
AC exciter with rotating diodes带旋转整流器的交流励磁机
aggregate with maximum grain size of 40mm二级配骨料
aggregate with maximum grain size of 80mm三级配骨料
air leak check with lighting漏光检测
allocation with job招工安置
bar with hooked ends有弯钩钢筋
bar with hooked ends带弯钩钢筋
barrage with frames构架式拦河坝
barrage with stop planks插板式拦河坝
beam with both ends built in固端梁
beam with fixed ends固端梁
beam with simply supported ends简支梁
beam with single reinforcement单筋梁
beam with variable cross section变截面梁
breather cap with air filter带滤清器的呼吸器
bucket basin with sill有尾水槛的戽斗式消力池
bucket basin with sill有尾水槛的戽斗式静水池
busbar protection with fixed circuit connection固定联结式母线保护
cable with extruded insulation挤包绝缘电缆
catch up with the schedule赶计划
communication with auxiliary equipment与辅助设备的通信
communication with control board与控制盘的通信
communications with auxiliary equipment与辅助设备的通信
communications with control board与控制盘的通信
composite overhead groundwire with optical fibre光纤复合架空地线 (OPGW)
concrete pump with distributor带布料杆的混凝土泵
concreting with longitudinal joint柱状浇筑
Construction schedule

diagram with time scales
crib dam filled with stone木笼填石坝
crib work filled with stone填石木笼
crib work filled with stone石笼
double-bus with transfer bus configuration双母线带旁路接线
downstream concrete slab connected with the plinth.下游混凝土防渗板
drilling machine with magnetic base磁力钻
earth-rock fill dam with clay core黏土心墙土石坝
earth-rock fill dam with sloping clay core黏土斜墙土石坝
excitation system with alternate-current exciter交流励磁机励磁系统
excitation system with direct-current exciter直流励磁机励磁系统
firewall with 4-hour fire rating耐火4小时的防火墙
firewall with 4-hour fire rating耐火 4 小时的防火墙
flow with hyperconcentrated sediment高含沙水流
full face rock TBM with reaming type扩孔式全断面岩石掘进机
gantry crane with fixed hoist单向门机
gantry crane with fixed hoist单向机
gate with flap舌瓣闸门
gate with float chamber浮箱式闸门
governor with motor driven gate operator电动机调速器
governor with pressure tank压力罐式调速器
72h commissioning with rated load72小时带负荷连续试运行
headframe lifting along with working deck随升井架
hydro plant with dam有坝电站
instantaneous under voltage protection with current supervision电流闭锁的电压速断保护
intake integrated with the dam坝式进水口
intake with automatic flushing自动冲沙进水口
intake with dam有坝取水
intake with gate shaft闸门竖井式进水口
intake with inclined gate slots in the bank岸坡式进水口
irrigation system with water storage, diversion and pumping facilities蓄引提结合灌溉系统
irrigation with sewage污水灌溉
lifting beam with latching and unlatching mechanisms机械式自动抓梁
lifting beam with remote hydraulic control of latching and unlatching液压自动抓梁
lifting beam with remote hydraulic-control of latching and unlatching液压自动抓梁
limit states design with partial coefficient分项系数设计
limit states design with partial coefficients分项系数极限状态设计
lock with chamber厢式船闸
main transformer overcurrent with voltage blocking主变复合电压过流保护
OLTC with drive mechanism有载调压开关及其驱动机构
one-way slab with multispans多跨单向板
orifice with full contraction完全收缩孔口
orifice with suppressed contraction不完全收缩孔口
out-of-step operation with excitation带励磁失步运行
over current relay with under voltage supervision低电压起动的过电流保护
paving with pebble卵石铺面
placement in shallow lifts with delays between lifts薄层间歇浇筑
Plan and profile of power outlet with penstock through dam发电输水道包括坝内压力管道的平面图和剖面图
Plan Profile of hydrogeology and engineering geology of areas with major geological problems存在重大工程地质问题部位的水文地质及工程地质平面图剖面图
practical weir with breast wall带胸墙的实用堰
pump <-> characteristic with positive slope具有正斜率的水泵特性驼峰区
remote trip protection with carrier current载波电流远方跳闸保护
remote trip protection with carrier current高频远方跳闸
retaining wall with stepped back背面台阶式挡土墙
rockfill dam with asphaltic concrete core沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝
rockfill dam with clay core黏土心墙堆石坝
rockfill dam with concrete facing混凝土斜墙堆石坝
rockfill dam with concrete facing混凝土面板堆石坝
rockfill dam with vertical clay core垂直黏土心墙堆石坝
run-of-river plant with open bay具有开敞式进口的径流式电站
run-of-river plant with pondage有调节池的径流式电站
shaft with open air collar露天斜井
shaft with underground collar埋藏式斜井
shifted form with sliding frame滑框倒模
ship lift with counterweight平衡重式升船机
ship lifter with counterweight平衡重式升船机
ship lifter with sloping deck斜面升船机
shored with cribbing框架支撑
Single line diagram with protection and metering scheme保护和测量配置图
single-bus with transfer bus configuration单母线带旁路接线 (main and transfer bus configuration)
slurry with additive添加剂泥浆
specimen with healed joints有闭合节理的试样
spillway with the flip bucket in front of the powerhouse at dam toe厂前挑流
spraying grass seeds with net挂网喷草
staircase with several flights多梯段楼梯
staircase with straight flight单跑式楼梯
steel tubular scaffold with couplers扣件式钢管脚手架
synchro-control circuit with closed-cycle闭环控制同步纠偏回路
synchro-control circuit with open-cycle开环控制同步纠偏回路
tensile member with a small eccentricity小偏心受拉构件
testing with drilled core钻芯法检测
transformer fitted with on-load tap-changing有载高压变压器
trench cutter with double wheels双轮铳槽机
trench cutter with double wheels双轮铣槽机
trial running with full load满负荷试运行
Two-centered arch dam with variable-thickness arches at a nonsymmetrical canyon不对称峡谷中双圆心变厚度拱坝平面图
undervoltage started overcurrent protection with current seal-in带电流记忆的低压过流保护
unit heater with axial fan轴流式暖风机
unit with gear box有齿轮增速箱的机组
unit with starting device有启动装置的机组
valve with ball seat球座阀
variation coefficient of wind pressure with height风压高度变化系数
weir with thin wall薄壁堰
wire mesh with shotcrete挂网喷混凝土
zoned earth rockfill dam with impervious soil core土质防渗体分区坝
zoned earth rockfill dam with non-soil impervious core非土质材料防渗体分区坝