
Terms for subject United Nations containing utilization | all forms | exact matches only
Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising out of their Utilization关于获得遗传资源和公正、公平地分享其利用所产生的惠益的波恩准则
Expert Group Meeting on the Development and Utilization of Local Manpower and Technology for Disability-related Services in Rural and Poverty Areas of the Asia-Pacific region亚太区域农村和贫穷地区开发利用当地人力和技术为残疾人提供服务专家组会议
Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Management and Utilization of Marine Mammals保护、管理和利用海洋哺乳动物全球行动计划
Global System for the Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture养护和利用粮食和农业植物遗传资源全球系统
Methodological manual on the collection and utilization of statistics relating to women有关妇女的统计数据的收集和利用方法手册
Principles of Conduct in the Field of the Environment for the Guidance of States in the Conservation and Harmonious Utilization of Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States指导各国养护和协调利用两国或多国共有自然资源的环境领域行为原则
Southern African Regional Commission for the Conservation and Utilization of the Soil南部非洲区域土壤保护和利用委员会