
Terms for subject General containing united | all forms | exact matches only
Air Force of the United States美国空军
Air National Guard of the United States美国空军国民自卫队
Applicants who provide incorrect information may become permanent ineligible to enter the United States提供错误信息,申请人有可能永远不符合条件进入美国
Armed Forces of the United States美国武装部队
Army Corps of Engineers of the United States Army美国陆军工程兵团
Assistant Chief of United States Air Staff美国空军助理参谋长
Australia, New Zealand, United States澳大利亚、新西兰、美屆
Australian-New Zealand-United States Council美澳新理事会
Bargaining is not common in the United States, but sales are讨价还价的情况在美国并不多见,但是打折出售比较普遍
be united as one团结一致
British United Shoe Machinery英国联合制鞋机械厂
Canada-United Kingdom-United States加〔拿大〕-英〔国〕-美〔国〕
Chief of United States Air Staff美国空军参谋长
China South-West Energy Resources United Development Corporationназв.комп. 中国西南能源联合开发总公司
China United Electric Exp Corporationназв.комп. 中国电气出口联营公司
Color Association of United States美国色料颜料染料协会
Do you want to stay in the United States for good?你打算一直待在美国吗?
Douglas United Nuclear, Inc.道格拉斯联合核子公司
Headquarters, United States Air Force in Europe美国驻欧空军总司令部
How long will you be staying in the United States?预计在美国停留多久?
I want to immigrate to the United States, because my child lives there我打算移民美国,因为我的孩子生活在那里
I want to make an overseas call to the United States我想打个电话到美国去
In Pasadena, California, United States, the Tournament of Roses is held on New Year's Day在美国加州的帕萨迪纳市,人们在新年当天举行“玫瑰游行
Let me see what s available... Yes, Air China has a flight on March 28 th at 7:30 pm, besides, the United also has a flight at 9:00 am让我查一查余票。中国国航有一班3月28日晚上7点30分起飞的飞机。美联航也有一班,早上九点起飞
Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications美国政府出版物目录月刊
Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator联合国救灾协调专员办事处
Official Gazette of the United States Patent & Trademark Office: "Patents"美国专利与商标局公报: "专利部分"
the united front统_战线
the United Nations General Assembly联合国大会
the United Nations Security Council联合国安全理事会
The United States is currently shifting from being a nation of immigrants of mainly European descent to one of immigrants from other parts of the world美国目前正从一个主要由欧洲移民组成的国家变为一个多元移民的国家
This is United Overseas Bank. How may I help you?这里是大华银行,有什么可以效劳的吗?
unite with all those who can be united团结一切可以团结的人
United Aircraft Corp.联合飞机公司
United Aircraft of Canada Ltd.加拿大联合飞机〔有限〕公司
United Arab Emirates the阿拉伯联合酋长国
United Arab Republic阿联
United Arab Republic阿拉伯联合共和国
United Arab Republic Atomic Energy Establishment阿联原子能研究院埃及
United Carbon Products Co.联合碳素制品公司
United Chromium, Inc.联合铬公司
United Electrodynamics, Inc.联合电动力学研究公司
United Fruit Co.назв.комп. 联合果品公司
United Gas Corp.联合煤气公司
United Gas Improvement Co.联合煤气兴业公司
United Geophysical Co.联合地球物理学研究公司
United Kingdom Air Training School英国航空教练学校
United Kingdom Central Electricity Authority英国中央电业〔管理〕总局
United Kingdom Chemical Information Service英国化学情报〔服务〕处
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国
United Kingdom Oil Pipelines英国石油管线
United Kingdom Scientific Mission英国〔驻美〕科学联络处
United Nation Development Programme联合国开发计划署联合国机构,美国纽约
United National Independence Party联合民族独立党赞比亚
United Nations Atomic Energy Commission联合国原子能委员会联合国机构
United Nations Conference of Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联舍国贸易和发展会议
United Nations Economic Development Administration联合国经济开发组织
United Nations Economical and Social Council联合国经〔济〕社〔会〕理事会
United Nations Educational联合国教科文组织
United Nations Educational联合国教育、科学及文化组织
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教学及组织联合国机构,法国巴黎
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教〔育〕科〔学与〕文〔化〕组织
United Nations Environment Programme联合国环境规划署联合国机构,肯尼亚内罗毕
United Nations Environment Programme联合国环境规划署
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization联合国农业及粮食组织
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization联合国粮食及农业组织
United Nations Food Conference联合国粮食会议
United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control禁毒基金
United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control联合国管制滥用麻醉药品基金
United Nations Industrial Development Organization联合国工业开发组织联合国机构,奥地利维也纳
United Nations Information Service联合国情报服务处联合国机构
United Nations Institute for Training and Research联合国训练研究所
United Nations Intergovernmental System of Information in Science and Technology世界科技情报系统联合国教科文组织
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队
United Nations Organization联合国〔组织〕
United Nations Organization联合国组织
United Nations Postal Administration联合国邮政总署联合国机构
United Nations Relief and Rehabilation Administration联合国复兴救济总署
United Nations Standards Co-ordinating Committee联合国标准协调委员会
United Nations Technical Assistance Administration联合国技术援助组织
United Nations Trade and Development Board联合国贸易发展理事会
United Nations Transition Assistance Group联合国过渡协助小组
United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning, Department of Economics and Social Affairs联合国经济和社会事务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心
United News of India印度联合新闻社
United Nuclear Corp.联合核子公司
United Plastics Distributors Association联合塑料销售商协会
United Power Co.联合动力公司
United Press International合众国际社美国通讯社
United Press International美国合众国际社
United Republic of Tanzania the坦桑尼亚联合共和国
United Research Services, Inc.联合研究公司
United Rubber Workers of America美国橡胶工作者联合会
United State Standards美国标准
United States Agency for International Development美国国际开发署
United States Agency for International Development美国国际幵发署
United States Agricultural Research Service美国农业部农业研究所
United States Air Conditioning Corp.美国空气调节公司
United States Air Force Academy美国空军学院
United States Air Force Reserve美国空军预备队
United States Air Force Security Service美国空军安全局
United States Army Air Defense Engineering Agency美国陆军防空工程局
United States Army Air Force美国陆军航空兵
United States Army Aviation美国陆军航空兵
United States Army Aviation Center美国陆军航空中心
United States Army Chemical Center美国陆军化学中心
United States Army Combat Developments Command. Institute of Nuclear Studies美国陆军作战研究司令部核子研究所
United States Army Electronic Research and Development Agency美国陆军电子〔设备〕研制局
United States Army Electronics Command美国陆军电子设备司令部
United States Army Electronics Materiel Agency美国陆军电子器材局
United States Army Electronics Research and Development Laboratory美国陆军电子设备研制实验所
United States Army Environmental Hygiene Agency美国陆军环境卫生局
United States Army Force美国陆军
United States Army Petroleum Center美国陆军石油中心
United States Army Signal Corps美国陆军通信兵
United States Army Strategic Communication Command美国陆军战略通信司令部
United States Army Transportation Engineering Agency美国陆军运输工程局
United States Army-Navy-Aeronautical Specifications美国陆海军航空技术规范
United States Atomic Energy Commission美国原子能委员会
United States Bureau of Reclamation美国内政部垦务局
United States Bureau of Standard美国标准局
United States Committee on Large Dams美国大坝委员会
United States Department of Agriculture美国农业部
United States Department of Interior美国内政部
United States Dispensatory美国药方书
United States earth satellite美国人造地球卫星
United States Environment and Resources Council美国环境与资源委员会
United States Federal Specifications Board美国联邦技术规范局
United States fine美国细牙螺纹 (thread)
United States Standard Gage美国〔标准〕线〔径〕规
United States gallon加仑容量单位;液加仑等于8.78533升,干加仑等于4.4049升
United States Geological Survey美国〔内务部〕地质调查局
United States Geological Survey美国内政部地质调查局
United States Information Agency美国新闻署
United States Information Agency美国情报局
United States Information Service美国新闻处
United States Judo Federation美国柔道联合会
United States Marine Corps University美国陆战队大学
United States Military Academy美国陆军军官学校西点军校
United States Nary美国海军
United States Naval Academy美国海军学校
United States Naval Academy美国海军官校
United States Naval Air Missile Test Center美国海军航空导弹试验中心
United States Naval Missile Test Center美国海军导弹试验中心
United States Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory美国海军辐射防护实验〔研究〕所
United States Naval Reserve美国海军后备队
United States Naval Technical Information Service美茵海军技术情报处
United States Naval Underwater Sound Laboratory美国海军水声〔实验〕所
United States of America美〔利坚合众〕国
United States of America the美利坚合众国
United States of America Standards Institute美国标准研究所
United States of Indonesia印度尼西亚联邦
United States Patent Office美国专利局
United States Polo Association美国马球协会
United States Public Health Service美国公共卫生局
United States Pulp Producers Association美国纸浆业协会
United States Rocket Society美国火箭学会
United States Rubber Co.美国橡胶公司
United States Sports Academy美国体育学院
United States Standard Gage美国标准〔线径〕规
United States Standard thread美国标准螺纹 (Sellers screw thread)
United States Steel Foundation美国钢铁基金会
United States Steel Gage美国〔标七〕钢材规格
United States Steel Sheet Gage美国〔标准〕薄钢板〔尺寸〕规格
United States Steel Wire Gage美国〔标准〕钢线规
United States Strategical Air Force美国战略空军
United States Testing Co.美国试验公司
United States Weather Bureau美国气象局
United States Welfare Administration美国福利事业署
United Technology Center联合技术中心
United Technology Corporation联合技术公司美国公司
United Textile Workers美国纺织工作者联合会 (of America)
West Coast of United Kingdom英国西海岸
When do we arrive in the United States?我们什么时候可到达美国?
World: Meetings:United States and Canada国际会议:美国与加拿大
Yes. Log on to the website of the United States embassy in Beijing and fill in the application forms and make an appointment online登录美国驻华大使馆的网站,填写申请表,然后网上预约
Yes, with this visa, you can stay in the United States for up to 90 days是的,有了旅行签证,你可以在美国逗留90天