
Terms for subject International trade containing trade | all forms | exact matches only
active improvement trade主动加工贸易
active trade balance贸易顺差
active trade balance出超
adverse trade balance入超
advisory services for the multilateral trade negotiations多边贸易谈判咨询服务
air-borne trade空运贸易
American foreign trade definitions美国对外贸易定义
annual foreign trade历年对外贸易
arms trade军火贸易
balance of international trade国际贸易差额
balance of invisible trade无形贸易收支差额
balance of trade资金平衡表 (merchandise balance)
balance of trade贸易差额商品差额,贸易平衡 (merchandise balance)
balance of trade-allied invisibles国际收支中与贸易有关的无形项目
barter terms of trade物物交易条件
barter trade换货贸易制
benefit from trade对外贸易利益
bilateral trade agreement双边贸易协定
book trade图书业
brisk trade市场活跃
brisk trade交易活跃
build a trade bridge with与... 建立贸易联系
carrying trade转口贸易
carrying trade货运业
carrying trade运送业
carrying trade运输业
chairman of the foreign exchange and trade commission外贸会主任委员
charter for an international trade organization国际贸易机构宪章
clandestine trade秘密贸易
clearing house for trade information贸易情报交换所
clearing-house for trade information贸易情报交换所
closed trade买卖完了
closed trade完结交易
coast trade duties沿岸贸易税
combination deal trade进出口结合贸易
complementary trade补偿贸易
complementary trade policy辅助性贸易政策
cooperating trade协作贸易
corn trade clauses谷物行业条款
corn trade clauses谷物贸易条款
counter trade双向贸易
counter trade对策贸易
counter trade补偿贸易
cross trade买空卖空
cross trade夕卜国港口间贸易
cross trade套购套售交易
crude trade gap粗略贸易差额
current of international trade国际交易流动
custom of trade贸易惯例
cutting trade利益极少的买卖
deferred payment trade延期付款贸易
direct export trade直接输出业
direct trade直接贸易
distributive trade经销业
distributive trade survey销售业调查
distributive trades经销行业
double-factorial tenns of trade双因素贸易条件
double-factorial terms of trade双因素贸易条件
drum up trade奖励贸易
eastern trade bill of lading东部贸易提单
eastern trade charter东方贸易租船契约
East-West trade东西方贸易
effect of trade贸易效果
entrepot trade中转贸易
export trade出 口贸易
export trade act出口贸易法
extend trade and commerce扩大商业
extended trade and commerce推广商业
external trade境外贸易
external trade of selected countries各国对外贸易
favorable balance of trade贸易出超
favorable balance of trade对外贸易顺差
favorable balance of trade report duties出超
favorable balance of trade report duties对外贸易顺差
favorable trade balance贸易出超
federal trade commission联邦贸易委员会
federal trade commission act联邦贸易委员法会
floating trade海上贸易
flow of trade贸易流程
fluctuations in trade贸易变动
forward trade期货交易
free liquidation trade自由结算贸易
free multilateral foreign trade自由的多边贸易
free trade association自由通商协会
free trade school自由贸易学派
free trade system自由贸易制度
free trade wharf自由贸易码头
free trade zones进申口加工区
free trade zones自由贸易区
free world trade世界自由贸易
freedom of trade贸易自由
frontier trade边境贸易
GATT general agreement on tariff & trade关税贸易总协定
general trade一般贸易
general trade总进出口
general trade总贸易
general trade company综合商社
general trade company 综合商社
government trade mission政府贸易代表团
gross terms of trade总物物交易条件
harmony of trade贸易的顺利进行
hire purchase trade association分期付款贸易协会
horizontal trade水平贸易
illicit trade不正当贸易
illicit trade非法经营
illicit trade非法贸易
illicit trade违禁贸易
imitate forge a trade-mark冒牌
improvement and repair trade改善修理贸易
improvement trade加工贸易
improvement trade for export加工出口贸易
improvement trade for import加工进口贸易
inland trade国内贸易
instrument of trade商业证券
integrating industry with trade工贸结合
intercolonial trade殖民地间贸易
interest rate on loans secured by export trade bills岀口汇票担保借款利率
intermediate trade中间贸易
International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms国际贸易术语解释通则
interregional trade区域间贸易
intra trade内部贸易
intra-African trade非洲内部贸易
intra-industry trade工业内部贸易
invisible items of trade贸易外收支项目
invisible trade无形贸易
invisible trade balance非贸易收支
invisible trade balance无形贸易差额
land-borne trade陆上贸易
leasing trade租赁贸易
liberalization of trade贸易自由化
liberalization of trade and exchange贸易汇兑自由化
licence on trades and professions营业税
licence to trade贸易许可证
licence to trade通商许可
license to trade通商许可
liner trade班轮运输
liner trade route班轮运输航线
local trade本地贸易
local trade interests当地贸易界
marine trade海上贸易
merchandise trade商品贸易
merchandise trade balance商品贸易平衡
method of conducting trade贸易方法
method of conducting trade经营方法
method of conducting trade贸易方式
monopoly of foreign trade对外贸易专营制
monopoly of foreign trade对外贸易垄断
monopoly trade独占贸易
monopoly trade专卖业
Montevideo Trade Treaty of 19601960 年蒙得维的亚贸易条约
narcotic trade麻醉品贸易
national foreign trade council全国对外贸易协会
national trade国营贸易
net balance of trade贸易净差额
net barter terms of trade纯易货贸易条件
net terms of trade纯物物交易条件
net terms of trade纯贸易条件
notes receivable, trade应收客户票据
ocean trade远洋贸易
on the usual trade terms按一般交易条件
open trade公开买卖
open trade未完结交易
ordinary course of trade正常贸易途径
organization for trade cooperation贸易合作组织
ownership of trade mark注册商标所有权
partners in a trade经营合伙人
pattern of trade商业结构
patterns of foreign trade外贸型式
patterns of foreign trade外贸类型
phased removal of trade barrier逐步消除贸易壁垒
phased removal of trade barriers逐步消除贸易壁垒
pictorial trade mark商标图案
"piggybacking" international trade分段国际贸易
"piggybacking" international trade嫁接国际贸易
policy of controlling foreign trade对外贸易的控制政策
potential trade distorting device潜在的贸易干扰手续
potentialities in foreign trade对外贸易的潜力
principal trade partners主要贸易合伙者
prosecute a trade经营一个行业
protection of trade and commerce保护贸易
protection trade保护贸易
protective trade保护性贸易
protective trade policy贸易保护政策
protective trade system保护贸易制度
pure international trade纯国际贸易
pure theory of international trade国际贸易的纯理论
quantitative trade restriction Quota贸易数量限制配额
reciprocity in trade between two countries两国间贸易互惠
redirection of the flow of international trade改变国际贸易流向
regulation of foreign trade对外贸易管理
restrictive business trade system限制商业交易制
retail trade零售生意
retail trade零售业
retail trade零售贸易
retail trades零售贸易额
Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941美国对外贸易准则1941修正本
Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 19411941 年修订的美国对外贸易定义
revised American trade definition美国对外贸易定义
river trade水路贸易
roaring trade非常兴隆的生意
roundabout trade伺接贸易
round-about trade间接贸易
seaborne trade海运贸易
sea-borne trade海运贸易
sea-carring trade海运业
season in the chemical trade适应化工商品经营
sell to the trade卖与同行
semi-special trade半专门贸易
semi-special trade半专门贸易指贸易总额减去再出口总额
short sea trade海上短程运输
single factorial terms of trade单因素贸易条件
slackness of trade贸易呆滞
standard as technical barrier to trade贸易技术性壁垒标准
standard international trade classification国际贸易标准分类
standard trade terms贸易术语
standard trade terms标准贸易条件
staple trade主要商品
super protective trade policy超保护贸易政策
switch trade转手贸易
switch trade转口贸易
system of multilateral trade commitments多边贸易承诺制度
tally trade除销
tariff for foreign trade国际贸易税则
technical assistance in trade promotion促进贸易的技术援助
temporary trade暂时贸易
terms of trade进出口交换比价指进出口货价之间的比率
terms of trade进出口比价
terms of trade index贸易条件指数
the financing and arranging of compensation trade融资和安排补偿贸易
the foreign trade multiplier对外贸易乘数
the law & practice of international trade国际贸易的法律和实务
Tokyo Declaration on the Multilateral Trade Negotiation东京多边贸易谈判宣言
trade acceptance总汇票
trade acceptance可贸易的投入物
trade acceptance商业承兑票据
trade acceptance receivable应收商业承兑汇票
trade access贸易机会
trade account贸易额
trade account贸易科目
trade account payable应付货款
trade account payable购销应付账款
trade account receivable应收货款
trade account receivable购销应收账款
Trade Act of 1974美国1974 年贸易法
trade adjustment贸易调整
trade agency商业代理权
trade agency商务代办处
trade agency商业征信所
trade agreement国际贸易协议
trade agreement劳资协议
trade agreement贸易协定
trade agreement act贸易协定法
trade among countries having different economic and social system不同经济和社会制度国家间的贸易
trade and economic agreement贸易和经济协定
trade and payment agreement贸易支付协定
trade and payment agreement贸易和支付协定
trade and payment liberalization贸易和支付自由化
trade assets营业资产
trade association同业公会
trade away贴旧换新
trade away卖掉
trade barrier.贸易壁垒
trade bill商业票据
trade block贸易集团
trade books商业账簿
trade by agreement协定贸易
trade capital商业资本
trade capital movement商业资本流动
trade caravan商队
trade cartel贸易卡特尔
trade center贸易中心
trade channels贸易渠道
trade circle商界
trade circle贸易界
trade circles商界
trade circular商务布告书
trade circular营业传单
trade clause贸易条款
trade combination商务联合
trade combination商业联合
trade commissioner商务专员
trade committee贸易委员会
trade concession贸易减让
trade control贸易管制
trade cost systems营业成本制度
trade creation effect增加贸易的作用
trade credit商业信用
trade creditors应付货款
trade creditors购货债权人
trade custom贸易惯例
trade custom贸易习惯
trade customs贸易惯例
trade cycle贸易周期循环
trade debtors应收货款
trade debtors销货债务人
trade debtors购货客户
trade deficit入超
trade deficit外贸逆差
trade deficit贸易赤字
trade delegation商务代表处
trade depression商业衰落
trade descriptions act商业说明法
trade discipline贸易规约
trade discount商业折扣
trade discount交易折扣
trade discount同行折扣
trade discrimination贸易歧视
trade disputes商事争执
trade disputes商业争执
trade distorting device贸易干扰手段
trade distortion贸易畸形发展
trade distortion贸易异常现象
trade diversion贸易转移
trade diversion贸易转
trade diverting aid贸易转向援助
trade documentation贸易单据
trade environment贸易环境
trade expansion贸易扩展
trade expansion act扩大贸易法
trade expenses商业费用
trade facilitation document简化贸易手续文件
trade fair博览会
trade fair商品交易会
trade fair商展
trade finance贸易金融
trade financing商业理财
trade financing商业融资
trade financing商业金融
trade flow theories交易流向学说
trade fluctuation贸易变动
trade framework贸易体制
trade gap进出口之差额
trade gap gloom贸易差距阴暗
trade guild同业公会 (organization)
trade hall工会会所
trade hazard贸易危险
trade-in allowance易新抵价
trade in coupons倒卖票证
trade-in sale以旧换新的买卖
trade in technology-intensive manufacture技术密集制成品贸易
trade-in value以旧换新的旧物作价
trade-in value折价物价值
trade-in value易新价值
trade integration贸易一体化
trade investment商业投资
trade journal行业杂志
trade law贸易法
trade liabilities商务负债
trade liabilities购货债务
trade liberalization贸易宽放
trade liberalization贸易放宽
trade liberalization贸易自由化
trade loss贸易损失
trade margin贸易利润
trade mark商权专用权
trade-mark for services为服务而使用的商标
trade mark infringement商标冒用
trade mark privileges商标权
trade mark registry商标注册所
trade mark regulations商标法
trade matrix贸易模式
trade matrix贸易图表
trade matrix贸易矩阵
trade multiplier贸易乘敦
trade negotiation贸易谈判
trade network商业网
trade note receivable商业应收票据
trade of processing with customer’s materials来料加工贸易
trade-off between risk and rate of return风险与报酬率权衡
trade off studies比较研究
trade on cash system现金交易
trade on equity举债经营
trade oscillation商情波动
trade paper商业票据
trade partner贸易伙伴
trade payable turnover period贸易应付账款周转期
trade policy贸易政策
trade practices and prices commission商业行为及价格委员会
trade preference贸易优先权 (for)
trade price批发价
trade price同行价格
trade price批发价格
trade procurator商务代理人
trade promotion center贸易促进中心
trade promotion division贸易促进部
trade prospects贸易远景前景
trade prospects贸易远景
trade protectionism保护贸易
trade protectionism贸易保护主义
trade-quota agreement贸易配额协定
trade reference商业备考
trade reference商号查询人
trade region商业区
trade register商业登记
trade regulations通商章程
trade regulations贸易条例
trade relation贸易关系
trade representative商务代表
trade restriction贸易管制
trade restrictive or trade-distorting effect贸易限制或贸易反常作用
trade-restrictive or trade-distorting effect贸易限制或贸易反常作用
trade returns贸易报酬
trade returns商业报告
trade right贸易权利
trade risks商业风险
trade risks贸易风险
trade route贸易航路
trade route通商路线
trade safe-guarding act通商保护法
trade sale合伙竞卖
trade sale同行买卖
trade secret专业机密
trade secret商业机密
trade share贸易份额
trade show商品展览
trade stations商站
trade surplus贸易盈余
trade surplus出超
trade surplus外贸顺差
trade tenns交易条件
trade tenns商业术语
trade terms国际贸易术语解释通则
trade terms贸易术语
trade union同业商会
trade union职业工会
trade up买更高价的东西
trade usage商业惯例
trade usage商业习惯
trade usages商业习惯
trade volume贸易量
trade wall贸易壁垒
trade war商战
trade war贸易战
trade-weighted average贸易加权平均数
trade-weighted index of exchange rates按贸易加权的汇率指数
trade-weighted index of exchange rates按贸易额加权的汇率指数
trade wind贸易风
trade within the area限定区域的贸易
trade zone自由贸易区
trade zone自由地带
trade zone贸易区
trades knack经商技巧
trades woman女零售商
trades woman女商人
tramp trade不定期船运业
transit improvement trade过境加工贸易
trick of the trade商业诀窍
try to trade the customer up设法说服顾客购买更贵的东西
two-way trade双轨贸易
two-way trade双轨贸易
ultra protective trade policy超保护贸易政策
ultramarine trade海外贸易
unfavorable balance of trade贸易逆差
unfavorable balance of trade入超
unfavorable trade balance外贸逆差
unfavorable trade balance入超
universal trade policy世界性的贸易政策
usage of the particular trade特定货运惯例
usage of trade行业习惯
usage of trade贸易习惯
usage of trade商业惯例
value of foreign trade对外贸易值
value of foreign trade对外贸易额
value of international trade国际贸易额
value of retail trade零售商业销售额
value of wholesale trade批发商业销售额
vertical trade南北贸易
vertical trade垂直贸易
village fair trade集市贸易
volume of foreig trade对外贸易额
volume of over-all trade全部贸易额
volume of trade营业额
volume of trade商业量
volume of trade贸易额
volume of trade bills贸易汇票额
volume of world trade世界贸易量
waterborne trade水运贸易量
way port trade沿途货运
way port trade沿途港货载
way port trade沿途贸易
way-port trade沿途货运
way-port trade沿途贸易
West-East trade东西方贸易
world agricultural trade世界农产品贸易
world trade世界贸易
world trade by region, country or area按地区、国家或区域划分的世界贸易
world trade centres association世界贸易中心协会
world trade institute世界贸易研究所
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